Entrepreneurs all over the country, selling cigarettes and shoes, preparing for the offensive on 1 July. From this date, pharmacies and shops are moving to work with the product, marked Data Matrix codes. With any innovation opens a window of opportunities for those who want to cash in on good entrepreneurs. We learned that really small businesses expensive to work with marking.

Some entrepreneurs complain that to prepare for the marking of the desired high costs. As it turns out, on the market there are companies that impose unnecessary additional business services, and because of this, the labeling begins to seem complicated and expensive. In everyday life we are also faced with the fact that we sell something in the load. The very marking is intended to clear the market of illegal goods, to expand the market for honest business and give the purchaser the opportunity to vote in the ruble for the quality. If the store is all legal – then the people to him irresistibly. Is also a bonus.

We decided to find out how much it costs to connect to the marking. For analysis of the selected 20 major service companies. Our legend – retail store, which need to be marked boxes of 1000 residues. This is the most challenging scheme, as the remnants of tobacco and drugs label is not necessary.

first, you need a qualification reinforced electronic signature, and a program that works with her. UCAP already have many working with her in public procurement and in online banking, hand over the reporting in electronic form. Our “store” was the signature, that is, costs – 0. If there’s no signature, then 3000 rubles for signature together with a carrier and a CryptoPro license.

secondly, you need to register in the system an Honest SIGN. $ 0. Who does not want to understand, it may order the registration of service companies are, on average 500-1500 rubles.

third, you need to pay for cheats for 50 kopecks without VAT. Total: 600 rubles. Until the spring codes on the remains were given for free, so we went ahead and saved 600 rubles.

fourth, we need to describe the inventory, order them codes and print codes on labels. The process is also simple, but you have to find where to print labels. Can someone ask them to print the codes for free. Generally for printing using special printers that are (according to the survey) 10 thousand rubles. We are not the manufacturer and to buy a printer, which then does not need, will not. We were offered a service description of the product, order codes, printing and putting of goods into circulation. This is from 2 000 to 5 000 on 1000 pairs of shoes.

what is the ticket program? They are quite different, and some companies offer updates to their devices for free. The very cash we updated at the end of 2019, because it was required by 54-FZ. If you are a new store or missed the updatethe message, now the average price of the updates ranges from 1500 to 2000 rubles. Our office in the base case is updated for free, but we offered to help to do it for 1500 -5000 rubles.

Oh yeah. The law also requires more electronic documents. Save on document delivery and courier services! We chose “Edo light” in the personal office of Fair Sign, it’s free. But in General we could choose any other operator of EDO, and it also would not cost us a penny because we retail only the documents received, and incoming free.

What happens? In “save on everything” we already have UKAP, online cash register, printer from a friend, free of EDO – a total of 2600 rubles, or 2.6 rubles per pair (2000 rubles – the price of the scanner, which already have many).

the Option “editor’s choice” – less of movements: is UCAP and online cash cheaper ordered reception service, print codes, description of goods 8 350 rubles, of which 3250 scanner.

the Option “Chic” – 21600 roubles. Is UCAP and also quite expensive services of registration, ordering and printing of codes, software updates on the box office.

so, the prices are lifting. You need the desire and careful not to fall into the trap of those who offer expensive commodity-accounting system and the bells and whistles that nobody wants.