Since July 3, the Moscow graduates begin to pass the Unified state examination. The first examinations will be in computer science, geography and literature. To know the score students and their parents will be able to in “Results of GIA (the exam, GVA), final essay (narrative), the final interview in the Russian language”, or by setting widget “GIA” in your account. In addition, the results of the exam can be obtained.
last year, Muscovites more than 7.7 million times have used the service to find out the results of final examinations in Russian and foreign languages, mathematics, literature, chemistry, physics, geography, history and computer science.
Before you subscribe to notifications informing about the results of the exam, users need to specify in your account on information about the participant of the exam. To do this, go to “Profile”, then choose “the Olympics and GIA” and add the name of participant, registration code, specified in the notice of examination and also the number of the document proving the identity. To subscribe to notifications can as the graduate examination candidate and his parents or legal representatives. Each parent will have the opportunity to contribute to your account information about several children at once.
After saving go to “set up subscriptions”, then select the tab “Child in school” theme “of the Olympics and GIA” and select desired type of notification — e-mail notifications and/or push notifications if your phone includes a mobile application “public Services of Moscow”.
to subscribe to the notifications in the mobile application “public Services of Moscow” must go to “Profile” and then “Notifications.” After selecting the tab “Educational”, where you will see the topic notification — “the results of the GIA”. Here you will need to enter the following data: registration ID of the member the GIA (specified in the notification to the DPA) and number of identity document (no series), which was specified when registering for the exam. After that you should subscribe to push notifications and/or messages by email.
to Obtain information about the results of the exams are also available through the service, “the Results of the GIA (the exam, GVA), final essay (narrative), the final interview in the Russian language” in It is available in the section “Education” in the service catalog. To view the results on the services page, it is sufficient to indicate the registration code of the participant GIA and number of identity document (no series) provided during registration for the exam.
to configure the widget in the dashboard, the user must first enter information about the participant of the exam in the section “the Olympics and GIA” in the profile (name participant registration code specified in the notification about the exam, and the number of the identity document). Retaining information, you need to put a checkmark in the column “Results of GIA”. The widget is activated on the desktop.
as of the publication of the results the user will see the number of points for a particular exam and also the link to the service to familiarize with the detailed results of the GIA (the exam, GVA). The link will be available image forms and audio recordings of the participants ‘ answers of the exam in foreign languages (the oral part).
on features more than 360 e-services that can be useful to residents. A large range of services that help graduates ninth and eleventh grades, is dedicated to education.
So, ninth grade students of the capitals schools can register for the final interview in Russian language online, to surrender GIA-9 (OGE, GUA-9) and apply for admission to the College. To sign up to participate in GUIA-11 (EGE, GUA-11) may also and graduates 11-x classes.
in addition, the portal can learn the results of the municipal stage of all-Russian Olympiad of schoolchildren and appeal of disagreement with the exposed points for the exam.
All of these services located in the catalog section “Education”.