Holiday 2024: Neither beer nor handcart: Father’s Day is celebrated so differently around the world

On Father’s Day, many German men treat themselves to a break from home and go around in groups with their handcarts. But how is Father’s Day celebrated in other countries?

Only in Germany are handcarts and beer the most important items for men on Men’s or Father’s Day. In other countries, other customs are important. Nor is Ascension Day chosen for Father’s Day, but rather a day independent of a church festival. Here some examples:


The United States is considered the inventor of Father’s Day – after all, Mother’s Day is also “Made in the USA”. Americans always celebrate their fathers on the third Sunday in June, which is why many other countries have adopted this too. The idea came up in the early 20th century, but didn’t catch on for a long time. Introducing Father’s Day in addition to Mother’s Day initially particularly impressed manufacturers of typical gifts for “Dads”. President Nixon made the third Sunday of June a national holiday in 1972.


In France, a lighter manufacturer invented Father’s Day in 1952 for marketing purposes. The government joined in and officially introduced Father’s Day. As in the USA, it is celebrated on the third Sunday in June. Children usually give something they have made or paint a picture. Lighters did not catch on – contrary to what the inventor had hoped.


For our neighbors, the ideal “Vaderdag” goes the way many mothers would want Mother’s Day to be: breakfast in bed, gifts (ties, cigars, etc.). Here too the day is celebrated on the third Sunday in June.


In Russia, Father’s Day is celebrated on February 23rd, “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. Man’s Day is only unofficial, but it is still celebrated. Sometimes there are small gifts for the gentlemen from the bosses, or you go out with your colleagues.


People in Taiwan celebrate Father’s Day on August 8th. Because it is the eighth day of the eighth month, which is pronounced ba-ba – and that also means father in Chinese. Almost like the German Papa.

Australia and New Zealand

Down Under, fathers celebrate their day on the first Sunday in September. Advantage: Spring begins in the southern hemisphere. Father’s Day is a family day; parents and children often go out for breakfast or go on a trip together.


December 5th is the birthday of the late King Bhumibol Adulyadej, on this day people honor the “Father of the Nation” and generally celebrate Father’s Day. The day is also a public holiday in Thailand. On this day, Thais traditionally give their father a certain flower, which in Germany is called a flower tube.


According to Roman Catholic tradition, Father’s Day in Italy is celebrated on St. Joseph’s Day, the day of Jesus’ foster father. “Festa di San Giuseppe” is on March 19th. The family likes to celebrate with good food and children make small gifts for their dads. Father’s Day is also celebrated on this day in Spain and Bolivia.


Depending on the lunar calendar, Nepalese celebrate Father’s Day in late August or early September. To honor the deceased fathers, people go to the temple on the new moon day. Children show their gratitude by giving small gifts to the fathers of the family.

This year, Ascension Day falls on Thursday, May 9th. The day is considered a public holiday in all federal states, which is why almost all shops are open – but there are exceptions. FOCUS Online has summarized for you where you can shop and when.

Ascension Day is on May 9th, 2024. At the same time it is also Father’s Day. We tell you what significance the day has for Christians and what customs there are in Germany.