Here’s the most: Everyone can thanks to THG: This is how you earn 410 euros a year with your e-car

Filling up is getting more and more expensive. This also applies to electricity. However, owners of purely electrically operated vehicles can be happy: their e-car earns a good 400 euros a year. And tax-free. It’s very easy to get the money.

Earn money with the e-car? This is possible with private emissions trading. The comparison portal Verivox points this out and shows which providers charge e-car drivers the highest premiums.

The background to emissions trading is the so-called greenhouse gas reduction quota (GHG quota for short). The requirement obliges petroleum companies to reduce their emissions of harmful CO2 emissions. In the current year, the companies must achieve seven percent savings, in 2030 already 25 percent. If this is not successful, the authorities send out fine notices.

Owners of e-cars can benefit from the compulsion to save CO2 by selling the CO2 saved by their e-cars to the oil companies in GHG quota trading.

The basis for calculation is provided by the state: according to the specifications of the Federal Ministry for the Environment, electricity consumption of almost 2000 kilowatt hours is calculated for each electric car. This means that the car saves a tonne of CO2.

But things aren’t that simple. Because consumers cannot sell their CO2 savings directly to mineral oil companies. To do this, they rely on intermediaries.

The intermediaries pay e-car drivers a premium and sell the CO2 vouchers to the industry. This is also worthwhile for the intermediaries because they collect commissions.

The sale is very easy for e-car owners: All you need is vehicle certificate 1, i.e. the so-called vehicle registration document.

Important: E-car drivers must submit their quota by the end of 2022. Depending on the broker, the amount of the premium can vary. Verivox compares dozens of GHG quota trading providers and identifies the providers with the highest guaranteed fixed premium.

There are basically two different premium models for the providers:

With the fixed premium, an amount is set in advance, which is then guaranteed to be paid out. Depending on the provider, that is currently between 250 and 410 euros.

The flex premium, on the other hand, is based on the revenue actually achieved in quota trading. This means: Ideally, consumers can achieve even higher premiums than with the first model. However, this model can also turn into the opposite and e-car owners collect less money in unfavorable market conditions than they would receive with the fixed premium.

Verivox points out that choosing the right premium model depends on the type. Good for holders: More and more providers are offering guaranteed payouts, and the amount of the average fixed premium has recently increased. “Anyone who still relies on maximum revenue can also choose a provider who combines fixed and flexible premiums,” says Verivox expert Stefan Reichert.

Several providers who offer at least 350 euros follow in fifth place. But they are way behind the top. All leading providers use a minimum guaranteed flex award model.