Healthy diet: Popular foods get your metabolism going quickly in the morning

If you start the day with the right breakfast, you will have more energy throughout the day. Here you can read which foods for breakfast are real metabolism boosters.

Pepper, ginger and turmeric are known to boost the metabolism – but do you want these spices for breakfast? Not really. Instead, you’d rather have warm porridge, which also boosts the metabolism thanks to the high fiber content in the oats. And these breakfast ideas will also help you start the day well:

Oat bran has 50 percent more fiber than oat flakes. Bran does not consist of the whole grain, but of the outer layers and the germ. These areas of the oats contain the majority of the grains’ vitamins, minerals, protein and fiber. Oat bran not only promotes digestion, but also has a detoxifying and cholesterol-lowering effect.

Fresh berries should be eaten as often as possible when the season allows. They taste great in fruit salad or as a topping on yoghurt and muesli. In winter, you can simply stir frozen raspberries or blueberries into warm porridge. Berries act as a metabolism booster because the small fruits are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals.

But it’s not just your metabolism that gets going with berries. In addition to the positive influence on the intestinal flora, the anti-inflammatory ingredients also protect the cardiovascular system and the immune system. Strawberries alone contain more vitamin C than lemons. That’s why experts recommend consuming a portion of organic berries three times a week – fresh or frozen.

If you don’t have much time for a hearty breakfast in the morning, you can prepare a quick smoothie. This liquid meal also stimulates digestion and gets the circulation going. A fruit that has a digestive effect and is suitable as a smoothie ingredient is papaya. Simple recipe idea: Put half a papaya, a tablespoon of flaxseed and water or ice cubes in the blender and you’re done.

Papayas are ideal breakfast fruits. They are effective against gastrointestinal complaints such as flatulence, stomach pain and constipation. The protein-splitting enzyme papain, which is present in high concentrations in the papaya fruit, is responsible for this. The action of papain is similar to the important digestive enzyme pepsin in the stomach and helps break down proteins.

Green leafy vegetables also provide a lot of fiber. These include spinach, young nettles, lamb’s lettuce or wild herbs such as dandelion leaves, which are also suitable as a smoothie ingredient. The green vegetables bind toxins in the intestines, nourish healthy intestinal bacteria and thus regulate digestion. A small handful in the smoothie is enough, it tastes better in combination with orange, lemon, avocado, mango or kiwi.

Caution: Too many vegetables and fruits can put a strain on the stomach and intestines, especially for smoothie beginners. That’s why smoothies should be drunk slowly and with good saliva. The portions can be increased gradually so as not to strain the intestines. Too much leafy greens leads to digestive problems.

Flaxseeds also help you start your day. They go wonderfully with muesli, quark, yoghurt, smoothies or even on rolls. The small seeds are particularly effective against constipation when crushed and with a lot of liquid and, thanks to their high fiber content, they create a protective film over the gastrointestinal tract. Alternatively, chia seeds or psyllium seeds are also suitable.

How to prepare porridge:

Boil oatmeal and either water, milk or a milk alternative such as almond or oat drink to form a warm porridge. Even easier: overnight oats that you can prepare the night before. Soaking makes breakfast more digestible and even more varied with different additional toppings. Adding cinnamon stimulates digestion even more.

Try this delicious porridge bowl: Boil mashed banana with oat flakes and water in a saucepan and add fruits and berries as desired.

Other toppings recommended are honey, cardamom or Ceylon cinnamon powder. Cinnamon in particular stimulates digestive juices, helps with stomach problems and promotes blood circulation.

Chia seeds are called a “superfood” because of their high content of fiber, protein and omega-3 fatty acids. They can be eaten in muesli or as a morning chia pudding. It is important to soak the seeds in enough water beforehand. Only then can the nutrients be better absorbed by the body.

Chia pudding can easily be prepared the evening before, either with cow’s milk or in the vegan version. To do this, mix two tablespoons of chia seeds with around 120 milliliters of water, oat or nut drink, and refine with maple syrup, vanilla extract or cocoa nibs as desired. Serve the pudding in the morning with berries, apple slices, banana or almond slivers.

Almonds are also good for the intestinal flora and stimulate digestion. The nuts are not only rich in fiber, but also contain healthy fats and essential nutrients. They also promote the growth of healthy intestinal bacteria, the so-called bifidobacteria and lactobacteria. The nuts can be prepared in many ways: plain, in muesli, as almond butter on whole grain bread or as an ingredient in breakfast bars.

If you don’t have time for a hearty breakfast in the morning, you can prepare a homemade almond muesli bar to take home. The bars provide enough energy and digestive fiber – without unnecessary amounts of sugar. For the recipe, roast 150 grams of oat flakes, 75 grams of sunflower seeds, 125 grams of almonds and 50 grams of sesame seeds in the oven at 180 degrees.

After about ten minutes in the oven, mix the nuts and seeds with a mixture of 50 grams of honey, 50 grams of maple syrup or date sweetener and 100 grams of melted coconut oil. Then spread the almond-honey mixture on a baking tray lined with baking paper and put it in the oven for another 20 minutes. When the tray has cooled, cut off individual bars and garnish with dark chocolate if desired.

Thanks to the lactic acid bacteria and their probiotic effect, yogurt is an ideal breakfast to get digestion going. Either pure or in muesli, yogurt naturally supports the intestinal flora and also tastes very tasty. For a lasting impact, yogurt should be on the menu every day. Quark with linseed oil is also a good combination for irritable bowel syndrome or gastrointestinal problems.

In contrast to white flour, wholemeal flour should always be the first choice because it contains more fiber and minerals as well as B vitamins, is digestible and promotes digestion. In addition, whole crown bread made from wholemeal flour, cracked grain or natural sourdough keeps you full for longer. A quark with olive oil or avocado tastes good with it – also full of fiber and unsaturated fatty acids.

Banana bread acts as a fiber booster and significantly stimulates digestion. Recipe suggestion: Heat 70 grams of coconut oil, dissolve two teaspoons of psyllium seeds in three teaspoons of water, puree three bananas and mix with a pinch of salt. Add 150 grams of oat flour, 100 grams of almonds, two teaspoons of baking powder and half a teaspoon of baking soda and pour into a baking pan. Bake at 180 degrees for 50 minutes.

Water is essential for life and not only regulates digestion, but also the cardiovascular system, dissolves salts and minerals and transports nutrients. A glass of warm lemon water before breakfast helps to start the metabolism and detoxification processes in the body. Known from Ayurveda, the daily ritual can be spiced up with a slice of ginger or mint leaves.

Coffee and green tea also boost digestion. Coffee’s caffeine also increases blood pressure and gets the metabolism going. Green tea has a direct effect on digestion because it is particularly rich in catechins, which stimulate intestinal cells. Sencha, Gyokuro and Bencha are particularly digestive-friendly varieties.

The original for this article “Popular foods get your metabolism going quickly in the morning” comes from Teleschau.