Ahmed Abou-Chaker, son of clan boss Arafat Abou-Chaker, bought the villa in Kleinmachnow that belonged to his father and Bushido on Wednesday. Now it is puzzling where the 21-year-old, who lives in an apartment building in Oer-Erkenschwick, got the money. His police file is full.

There was only one bid for the villa in Kleinmachnow, which was valued at 14.8 million euros and belonged to Bushido and Arafat Abou-Chaker, at the compulsory auction on Wednesday: that of Ahmed Abou-Chaker, son of the alleged clan boss.

Striking: The 21-year-old had to deposit ten percent of the appraised market value directly with the district court – and was able to do so.

It is unclear where Arafat Abou-Chaker’s son, who was awarded the contract for 7.4 million euros, got the money. What is clear, however, is that he is known to the police several times, as reported by the “Bild” newspaper. There are five entries in his file. In 2016, when he was 15, he was caught twice – once for grand theft and once for dangerous bodily harm.

On March 17 of last year, proceedings were initiated against him on suspicion of money laundering. For September 23, there is an entry for a serious robbery in an apartment in Recklinghausen.

Striking: Also on September 23, there is an entry in his brother Said’s file. He is accused of a brutal act in a Recklinghausen apartment for this date. The 19-year-old is said to have robbed and brutally raped three prostitutes with three accomplices between the ages of 18 and 20. He has been on trial before the Bochum Regional Court since April 2022.

The last entry is dated March 22, 2022, due to a case of involvement in a brawl. Almost three months later, he bought the villa that belonged to his father and Bushido.

The Abou Chaker son will soon have to raise the remaining millions. “Within the next four to eight weeks, the district court will set a so-called ‘distribution date’, on and by which the total amount will then be due. Then the remaining almost six million euros must be paid by the buyer,” a spokesman for the district court told the “Bild” newspaper.