Guest post: The young wild ones: What you can learn from Gen Z for your own career

Generation Z faces many prejudices, especially in the world of work. We can learn a lot from her, says Zoe Nogai.

They are not impressed by hierarchies in the workplace, do not wait, but make their concerns heard, but are less willing to perform and always prioritize their own well-being and, of course, the smartphone. These and other prejudices precede her, the currently youngest generation on the labor market. Whether it’s true or not – the fact is: Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2010) will significantly influence the future of our society and, accordingly, the world of work.

Like all young people before them, the members of this generation, who are currently primarily between graduation and the first few years of working life, are trying to gain a foothold in a world that is new to them. However, the world they find is changing at an unprecedented rate, requiring resilience and adaptability.

Based on this challenge, the young people of Generation Z have acquired some skills that should be of interest with regard to further social and societal developments. It is precisely these skills, the views and approaches that significantly distinguish them from their predecessors, the so-called Generation Y (born between 1980 and 1994), X (born between 1960 and 1979) and the baby boomers (born between 1940 and 1979), who were also on the labor market Changes trigger, ensure the initially outlined and often not too positive prejudices.

Whether it’s true or not, the fact is that the dusty structures of our working world are in dire need of a spring cleaning. So why not learn something from the unbiased, naive and at the same time very well informed and prudent Generation Z? In the text that follows, there are three specific tips that can be derived from the characteristics and views of Generation Z for your own career and everyday work.

Zoe Nogai combines group expertise with start-up spirit. As a freelance management consultant and project manager for change projects at Deutsche Telekom, she builds bridges between the group and Generation Z, designs digital communication strategies and provides access to current trends and platforms.

Has your superior recently complained that junior staff resigned “just like that”? Gen Z knows their worth. They arrive well educated and with high standards in a labor market that offers them so many opportunities that they do not need a job. When these young people meet superiors with overly antiquated ideas, who don’t understand why expensive company cars and long titles don’t make an impression, and who can show neither a vision nor development opportunities, a collapse in work ethic or even termination is not far away.

Tip: Take a quiet lunchtime and write down all skills and the added value provided in the professional (but also private – keyword care work) context. Every time something feels like crossing the line and you want to say no but can’t bring yourself to do it, pull out the list and reflect on your worth. The “no” then comes much more easily and is lined with the right arguments over the lips.

In a society in which performance counts above all and rewards are offered for perfect attendance, many people have lost access to themselves and their health. Generation Z is already approaching the topic in a fundamentally different way. Social media serve as a platform for the exchange of information between those affected by various ailments. People also deal openly with socially misunderstood and stigmatized diseases, such as those that primarily affect the psyche, give tips on diagnostics and therapies, ensure visibility against any stigmas. The young generation also has the self-confidence in the analogue world, for example with employers, to be open about the status of their health and to prioritize this over deadlines, meetings and everyday work. Ultimately, this prioritization has a long-term positive effect not only for each individual, but also for our society as a whole.

Tip: The days when we red nosed and picked up a diligent star in the office are over. It is up to all of us to implement this and set an example. Sick days are sick days, on which no e-mails are read, and for regular precautions, be they physical or psychological in nature, supposedly important appointments can sometimes fly off the calendar.

In a world that is changing ever faster, it is not least the younger generations who are looking for a certain security, because the many opportunities that are available at any time can easily turn into overwhelm and inability to act. At the same time, however, Generation Z manages to deal with change in a resilient manner and to take paths where there were not even beaten paths before. Becoming an influencer or eSportswoman is no longer a utopian dream of a child, but a serious career option in an industry worth billions. Generation Z is always finding new creative ways to shape their lives outside of the life paths already described, and many of the adolescents know that the profession they will one day pursue may not even exist today.

Tip: Get creative and think beyond your own job description. Is there a passion that can be integrated into everyday work? Maybe the private passion for board games will turn out to be the perfect setting for the upcoming team building event and the experience from club sports will help in an unexpected way on the way to the next promotion.

The Mission Female business network, founded by Frederike Probert, is actively committed to more female power in business, society, media, culture, sports and politics. It unites successful women across all industries with the aim of making further professional progress together.