the Income of the single budget, according to the report generated at the expense of gratuitous transfers in the amount of SG a 4, 872 billion Russian rubles and 2,394 billion Russian rubles of non-tax revenues, which according to the experts, basically, the balance of the budgets of previous years. This amount, according to them, is 100.1% of the revenues stipulated updated summary budget inventory in 2019.

as for the cost of a single budget, he, according to published reports, executed more than $ 6,566 billion Russian rubles (98,3% of the adjusted paintings), which is below the level of the previous period (99,1%).

the fact that the full use of funds only mastered 10 of 31 main administrator of budget funds, mainly in Russia.

according to the report, over the past year implemented 12 Federal programs, and the bulk of the costs was provided just for them to 65.1% of the total. In this segment of the document, the execution of spending has developed well – at the level of the last three years (98.9% of the revised indicator lists). With regard to cash implementation for the implementation of the three projects, it amounted to 391 million Russian rubles, or 93.3% of the refined figure painting.

But for 24 other activities the expenses amounted to 1,225 billion Russian rubles and was lower than in 2018 (97,7% vs 99.2 per cent). Only five events budget assignments executed in full.

Reduced, say the auditors, for the second year in a row and the size of the balances of previous years: they are used to Finance new programs, projects and activities of the Union state. On January 1, 2020 remains were 770,8 million Russian rubles, having decreased during the year by 3.2 times.

This quick report, according to BelTA has already been forwarded to the parliamentary Assembly of the Union of Belarus and Russia.