Pandemics do not recognise public holidays, says Merkel the German, who do not mark passover with family.

Germany extends forsamlingsforbud, rules to keep the distance and other strict coronatiltag up to 19. april.

It shall notify the federal chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday.

Restrictions apply to the 19. april. We will assess the situation again on Tuesday after easter, says Merkel.

The 22. march, they ordered the German authorities, restaurants, schools, playgrounds, and much more closed until 5. april. At the same time forbade the more than two people to congregate.

the Rules were introduced in an attempt to limit the infection with the corona virus.

Wednesday is the restrictions extended by two weeks.

Each of the länder such as Bavaria have already extended the rules, and others will follow with the announcement from Merkel.

the Chancellor regrets that the extension of two weeks means that families may have to spend passover alone.

– Pandemics don’t recognize the holidays, she says.

That might have sounded calls for the government to relax the tight rules that have been established. But in a podcast that was released over the weekend, calls on Merkel to his countrymen to continue to have patience.

– It is too early to think about, to loosen up the restrictions, she says Wednesday.

– It will be much worse, if we do it too early, and we are still very far from it, we need to achieve.

the Number of smittetilfælde is still significantly increasing in Germany, points out, Merkel.

The latest figures from the German Robert Koch Institute (RKI) show that Germany has 67.366 confirmed cases of coronasmitte. About 5000 of them are confirmed infected within the past day.

821 people have died in Germany as a result of coronasmitten, according to figures from the u.s. Johns Hopkins University.

Merkel says that the next assessment of the situation will depend on the recommendations of the RKI.
