Generation Z and its bad reputation: Judge Judy on Gen Z: “We grew up with a different philosophy”

Famous TV judge Judy Sheindlin is critical of Generation Z and their work behavior. She calls on parents to raise their children better.

The popular American TV judge Judy Sheindlin, known as “Judge Judy”, has expressed concerns about the work ethic of Generation Z. In an interview with the US broadcaster Fox, Sheindlin, born in 1942, criticizes the behavior and demands of the youngest generation, which cause her concern.

Generation Z is often labeled negatively in the media. Young people are said to be lazy, obsessed with technology and inattentive. Sheindlin suggested to Fox that the younger generation is too spoiled. Especially compared to her own childhood, which was very different.

“We grew up with a different philosophy,” Sheindlin told Fox News Digital. She pointed out that in her childhood, praise was associated with top performances, whereas today everyone gets awards. This rubs off on the young people, said the TV judge: “They are the product of this ‘everyone gets a trophy’ philosophy.”

Sheindlin urged young adults to follow clear rules for a successful day at work: “If you want to be successful, you have to be the first one there in the morning and close the shop. Someone will notice,” Fox Business quoted the judge as saying. But it also works the other way around: “You only get a bad reputation if you deserve it.”

She also has a clear message for parents. They should educate their children and not try to be friends with them. It is necessary to impart a certain moral to the offspring: “You should learn good behavior at home and the ABCs at school. It’s that simple.”

Judy Sheindlin fears that the deficits in Generation Z’s upbringing are being transferred to the workplace. And indeed, there are increasing cases in which members of Generation Z are attracting attention through strange behavior and unrealistic expectations. A 26-year-old “job hopper” recently boasted on TikTok that she would not stay in a permanent position for more than six months. The case of a Gen Z applicant who refused to complete a 90-minute test task also caused a stir.

Both cases sparked online discussions about whether this behavior was cheeky or justified. What is certain is that Generation Z has precise ideas about their employers. The company’s values ​​on issues such as sustainability, LGBTIQ issues or global conflicts play a much greater role for young applicants than before. This puts companies under pressure to act.

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