water appeared in Moscow in the XVIII century and the beginning of XX century its length was 110 kilometers. Documentary sources and photographs from the Main archival holdings of capital (Glavarhiva) talk about how to develop the urban water system.

the Decree “About carrying out the clean water in Moscow”, initiated the construction of the Metropolitan water supply, Empress Catherine II signed July 28, 1779. 28 Oct 1804, took place the solemn opening of the first in the history of the city of Mytishchi water supply, or Catherine, as it is called. It was built more than 40 key basins for collecting groundwater, as well as 16 km long brick gallery for holding the backwash water, levees and aqueducts, water pools.

In the design, construction and transformation of the Mytishchi water supply was attended by prominent Russian engineers — Friedrich Bauer, Ivan Gerard, Zege von Laurenberg, Andrey Delvig, Nikolai Zimin, Vladimir Shukhov, Yevgeny Knorre and others. Many buildings Mytishchi water become architectural masterpieces. Some hydrological structures have survived to our time — Rostokinskiy aqueduct, Alekseevskaya pump station, the fountain in Theatre square, decorated with sculptures by Ivan Vitali, and others.

the Moscow water supply system throughout the XIX and early XX century, has undergone several upgrades. The upgrade was necessary to improve the quality of water consumed. In the early 1870-ies of water has passed under the jurisdiction of the city authorities. In 1871-1883 was carried out reconstruction under the leadership of the Moscow mayor Nikolai Alekseev contributing to this significant amount from its own funds.

In 1892 built a new Mytishchi water. The project was designed by engineer Nikolai Zimin and architect Maxim Geppener. In 1898 he launched the city sanitary sewer system, designed to facilitate the cleaning of the Moscow river and reservoirs, and in 1911 began construction of its second phase.

By decision of the Moscow city Duma in 1898-1904 years were a complete reconstruction of system of water extraction was completed the construction Rublevsky waterworks. The length of water supply network amounted to 110 kilometers. Thanks to this daily Moscow received three million buckets of water.

Mytishchi water was supplied to Moscow and after 1937, when he was commissioned in the channel Moscow — Volga, �� also during the great Patriotic war, when enemy aircraft were subjected to Mytishchi water bombing.

Now a historic building and the area of the water utility are part of a domestic cultural heritage, attraction of the capital and the urban district of Mytishchi.