Scientists from Moscow state University. M. V. Lomonosov together with the one of domestic companies have found a way to reduce the consequences of destructive influence COVID-19 on the body. As it turned out, they created previously, the substance is an antioxidant SkQ — has a positive effect on the condition of the vessels in a situation when active the immune system in combating the virus begins to destroy healthy tissue.

“We were grown in test tubes with human cells, added there SkQ, and further conducted various experiments, in particular, added cytokines — the molecules responsible for inflammatory response of the body, explained lead researcher, Moscow state University. University and the CEO of the company “Mitotech” Maxim Skulachev. And it turned out that inflammatory processes typical of the vessels in the interaction with a large number of cytokines, did not happen.”

Now, in the conditions of a pandemic COVID-19, open may get a chance for implementation in the form of the drug to improve the survival rate.

the Authors tested the effect of the substance on mice. Scientists were injecting the drug to the rodents, then artificially filled organisms rodents huge amount of cytokines.

Without treatment died totally all individuals, and with the preliminary introduction of certain doses of SkQ died only a fifth of the animals. Previously “Izvestia” wrote about the method based on the use of stem cells, which will allow you to save the lungs of patients COVID-19.