New Zealand will cancel all entered due pandemic coronavirus limitations. This was reported by Prime Minister country Jacinda Ardern, reports The Sydney Morning Herald.

So this country will be the first in the world to abolish all restrictions on the backdrop of the spread of coronavirus infection. Of restrictive measures will only have a ban on the entry of foreign nationals.

Monday, 8 June, recovered last patient with a confirmed diagnosis COVID-19. New cases in the country were not identified during the last 17 days.

According to Ardern, a new challenge for New Zealand will be the restoration of the economy. “Although we are now on a more secure and strong, and easy the way back to how we lived before COVID-19, no,” she said.

In April, the Business Insider said the reasons for the success of Australia and New Zealand in the fight against coronavirus. Thus, countries responded to the outbreak and have instituted strict isolation. In addition, citizens are regularly kept internal rules, and the authorities carried out extensive testing COVID-19. It was also noted that when political decision-making uses scientific-expert develop and Prime Minister country Jacinda Ardern has a high level of trust in society.