After several days of negotiations bankenkoepel Febelfin and the National Bank of Belgium and belgian minister of Finance, Alexander De Croo (Open VLD) reached an agreement on the specific terms and conditions for the promised “suspension of payments” of woonleningen in the context of the coronacrisis. Who is eligible? And how much delay will it be? A practical guide to.

how LONG it RUNS and THE suspension of payments?

A suspension of payments on the mortgage loans, in the context of the coronacrisis means that you, as the borrower may, during the six months of the loan, both capital and interest – and not have to pay it off. By the end of that period of deferment, you must make the payments to resume.

The time to maturity of the loan to be extended by the period of suspension of payments: you will have up to six months for your credit to pay back than was originally anticipated.

WHO CAN be a suspension of payments GETTING?

According to Johan Thijs, president of the bankenfederatie, Febelfin, may be 55% of the people who woonkrediet be taken into consideration. “It is up to the banks, an important measure, the impact of which can be written with three digits, followed by millions and millions,” said He. This is the figure for the banking sector, ranging from 100 million to 999 million is the impact. The banks have that as a loss in the books.

A suspension of payments on the mortgage loans may be applied for by a private , that is, each of the following four conditions are met:

1. while The income has decreased or is gone , as a result of a temporary or total unemployment is due to the coronacrisis illness as a result of the Covid-19 is the conclusion of a case, or overbruggingsmaatregelen. For the couples it is sufficient if the income of one of the partners goes down or is lost due to the coronacrisis.

2. There was to be at February 1, 2020 and is not in default , on a mortgage loan, for which you have a deferment requires.

3. The mortgage loan has been entered into the one and only residence and primary place of residence is in Belgium, (at the time of the application for the suspension of payments will be made). So you can only have one house hold.

4. At the time of the request and of the total movable assets in checking and savings accounts and into an investment in one’s own or another bank, or less than 25 000 euros . The pension funds are in the amount is not included in the calculation.

HOW much WILL it COST?

banks do not record or on the administrative costs of the inclusion of the suspension of payments. There is, however, a distinction has to be made on the basis of the net monthly income is:

the Customers who the net monthly income of the household is less than or equal to 1.700 euro: may be for the payment of the mortgage loan, to delay, without any additional interest accrued during the grace period. Once you have the back, in the recovery of the payments at the same monthly payment as before. The bank, in other words, the interest payable on the suspension of payments in and of themselves.

Not all of the other borrowers, with a household income is up to 1700 euro after tax per month: : if the period of grace is done, resume the payments at a modified monthly payment as a deferred, interest be charged.


The workers : monthly, in February 2020, with recurring income, such as alimony payments and rental income, excluding family allowances, and after deducting the cost of consumer credit and of mortgage credit in the country of origin.

The self employed: : – the monthly available funds for the coronacrisis (to be calculated as follows: income by 2019, divided by 12 months), which includes a recurring income, such as alimony payments and rental income, excluding family allowances, and after deducting the cost of consumer credit, mortgage credit, from the country of origin and ondernemingskredieten in his own name.

now, IF YOU a DEFERMENT application form.

requests that the up to and including april 30, 2020 can be done, it can be up to six months suspension of payments can be achieved, therefore, no later than October 31, 2020. To apply after april 30, 2020 continues to the end date of 31 October 2020. Suspension of payments can only be obtained in the future maandaflossingen, highlights, Febelfin, therefore, does not have retroactive effect.

And what about applications that have already been submitted? That is, the bank has the right to be evaluated according to the criteria set out in the charter. If necessary, the bank will contact the borrower.

HOW does IT WORK IN practice?

do you Think you satisfy the conditions for suspension of payments application, you will need to contact your bank. This can only be by appointment, or via the digital channel (i.e. e-mail, instant messaging, mobile apps, etc.) and over the phone. You have to contact your bank for the best-at least one week prior to the due date of the next month.

The bank, one of evidence is a request to have the application start-up. That may be, for example, a proof of temporary unemployment, or with a declaration on honour that its earnings dropped sharply to.

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