In not even two months, starts in Germany the Festival season: From early June to early September, hundreds of Open-Air music festivals are on the programme, including as many as 25 with 50,000 or more spectators.

most of them are in this year on the Dump. “We are not in a very positive”, says Bernd Broad, representative for its industry. He would usher in with his company BigCityBeats at the beginning of June, the season with the World Club Dome in Frankfurt: 180,000 visitors in three days in the Commerzbank-Arena.

Why hardly any Festivals strong>

cancelled "We can't imagine that we can perform in the current situation and the current developments of our Event," says Wide more. Officially, he does not want to cancel the Festival but still, even though many smaller events have been cancelled. Until Easter, he is waiting for a message from the authorities. Exclusive exchanges Webinar

“Beate Sanders share the world”: How to use Wait for the Crash to build up your assets

Now for the Webinar

currently for most of the festival operators, the need of the hour. Official Cancellations of major Festivals there are in Germany but still not as good as even. Behind it is the hope that some of the events yet to perform, but also the tactical calculus is a well-actually. Because: In the case of a voluntary cancellation by the organizer, the claim to relief may be forfeited monies.

The following events are not canceled, such as a request by FOCUS Online, there were:

  • Airbeat One: 8. July
  • Bochum Total: 16. July
  • Fixed: 24. July
  • Deichbrand: 16. July
  • Full Force: 26. June
  • Highfield: 14. August
  • Hurricane: 19. June
  • Lollapalooza: 5. September
  • Melt: 17. July
  • Nature One: 31. July
  • Parookaville: 17. July
  • Rock am Ring: 5. June
  • Rock in the Park: 5. June
  • Rudolstadt-Festival: 2. July
  • shock move: 3. July
  • Southside: 19. June
  • Splash!: 9. July
  • super bloom: 5. September
  • Wacken: 30. July
  • Wanderlust: 16. May
  • World Club Dome: 5. June 2020

note: The data refer to the beginning of the event. Most of the Festivals are held over an entire weekend.

the following Festivals:

  • Fusion-Festival: 24 of them were Cancelled. June (festival tickets remain for 2021 valid or can be refunded on request)
  • castle burial: 25. May

festival cancellation is not only harmful to the organisers

“We’ve been driving since mid-March, a two-pronged approach,” explains Miriam Rossius, a spokeswoman for the Rudolstadt Festival. In the Thuringian small town on the first weekend in July are expected to be approximately 100,000 visitors. “We have prepared all the important processes and Deadlines,” said Rossius. At the same time, the city administration has stopped the ticket sales but. “Where it was possible, we have put contracts on hold.”

  • The latest developments relating to the outbreak of the Coronavirus.

The cancellation of the festival would drive no operators in the Ruin. However, the orientation of a large-scale event with many more Jobs on the wall: “The more serious social consequence of a cancellation or postponement to the next year would be that, for many artists, vendors, caterers, freelancers and temporary workers this year, an important source of income for a livelihood would disappear,” says Philipp Schätzle, spokesman of the Karlsruhe Marketing and Event GmbH. In the Badische city to be held on the last weekend of July, “The Feast”. Up to 250,000 visitors are expected.

operator are not able to quantify losses

In the worst case, but must also be cancelled in the summer of all the big events. Then, the organizers stayed at numerous costs. “Of course, we must comply with contracts,” says Wider. Some services need to book a host a long time before the Event and also pay. It starts with the advertising that goes on stage-builders and restaurateurs to the artists.

“With most of our partners we lead now, but a long business relationship,” says Broad, and hopes that you can agree on a compromise. “We’re all in the same Situation and need to look at how we come together through this incredible time.”

Hoping for help from policy

Many festival operators currently refer to the policy, with noticeable side blows. “We are ready to do everything to protect our guests, employees and all Stakeholders. What that means, specifically, is currently unfortunately not yet possible to predict, and this uncertainty impacted us personally as well as many visitors,“ says Jonas Rohde from the press team of FKP Scorpio. Exclusive equity Webinar with Beate Sander

€ 30,000 start-up capital has managed Beate Sander to two times the share-millionaire. How, exactly, their strategy can work in the Corona-crisis, what tips she has and what are the rules, followed them, she reveals in the exclusive FOCUS of the Online Webinar on Easter Monday. Here you can get more information and learn how you can be.

The Hamburg-based company has planned for the festival in the summer of three big events. 24. June will attract the Hurricane Festival in Scheeßel near Bremen, about 70,000 Fans, the sister-Festival Southside in the Swabian town of Neuhausen Ob Eck time equal to 60,000 visitors. For the middle of August, the Highfield Festival is planned in the Saxon town of Großpösna with 25,000 spectators.

One who is familiar with the Festival Cancellations in recent years, unfortunately, well, is Marek lieberberg. Rock am Ring, the biggest Rock Festival in Germany with 85,000 visitors at the Nürburgring in the Eifel mountains, had to be in 2016, after a severe rainstorm canceled. In 2017, a part of the concerts was cancelled due to a terror alert.

“Corona-Cabinet” plans Moratorium on Ticket refunds

The 73-Year-old appealed so recently in a Statement to the media Agency teleschau: “This crisis shakes the foundations of a segment, with essential cultural, social, societal, and economic importance. We are fighting with all their might against the storm, but are dependent at least on the understanding of the policy.“

Specifically, the mountain calls rather for a Moratorium on the refund of Tickets. His reputation has only been answered a few days later: the end of the week, the “Corona-Cabinet”, the Federal government decided that before the 8. March-purchased Tickets do not need to be refunded for the part of the authorities forced the cancellation immediately. Instead, the organizers are allowed to issue vouchers until the end of 2021 valid. Visitors will not be able to redeem it until then, would you be entitled to a refund of the ticket price.

authority has to exercise constraint, otherwise it is Decided there is no aid

this scheme is, however, not yet. The Ticket Moratorium will also apply only if an event of a pandemic-must be conditionally cancelled. And this compulsion must exercise authority.

  • The economic and financial consequences of the Corona-crisis in the News Ticker to the Corona Crash

“We expect that there will be in connection to the current restrictions in place a long-term perspective for the Festival-summer on the part of the policy”, says Philip Christmann from the press team of Parookaville. The electro-music Festival attracts visitors each year, around 85,000 spectators to Weeze near Düsseldorf, Germany.

Famous Festivals abroad are long

International canceled, the Situation looks different: The Danish Roskilde Festival is cancelled for Tuesday. The 50-year anniversary is now to be come celebrated the end of the year. All Tickets retain their validity. The similarly iconic British Glastonbury Festival in this year. Only the Primavera Festival in Barcelona has been postponed, however, in the past. Instead of at the beginning of June, it will now take place at the end of August. In the USA, the famous Coachella has been postponed to October.

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“don’t Know if this is Serious”: Laschet drives Hayali in the ZDF-Interview, FOCUS Online/Wochit “don’t Know if this is Serious”: Laschet drives Hayali in the ZDF-Interview