
A couple of years ago, I had an interesting encounter at the post office that left me in awe of the mysterious ways in which fate and serendipity work. I had rushed to mail some copies of my book and found my nearby post office closed for resurfacing. Determined to get the books mailed, I drove to the next nearest post office, where I encountered a clerk who sparked a chain of events that led to a surprising discovery.

As the clerk prepared the labels for my mailings, he asked about the type of books I was sending. When I mentioned they were about Texas history, he revealed an old photo album that had been sitting in their dead letter files for eight years. Intrigued, I agreed to take a look at the album, which contained black and white photos dating back to the early 1900s, possibly of Texas.

As I flipped through the pages, I stumbled upon a photo that struck a chord with me – a woman who I recognized as my grandmother. To my amazement, the album turned out to be a collection of photos from a lesser-known branch of my family tree. The series of events that led to the album finding its way back to me were nothing short of miraculous.

Reflecting on the sequence of events that brought the album into my hands, I couldn’t help but marvel at the role fate and serendipity played in the situation. From the unexpected closure of my usual post office to the clerk’s curiosity and ultimately trusting me to take the album, every detail seemed to align perfectly to reunite me with a piece of my family history.

Some may call it destiny, while others see it as a mere coincidence, but for me, it was a reminder of the intricate ways in which our paths can cross with the past. The album not only served as a link to my family’s roots but also as a testament to the power of unexpected encounters and the beauty of embracing the unknown.

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