disconnect about 30 years age difference – and yet, they are the best of Friends: folk music legend Maja Brunner (68), and Musical Star Fabienne Louves (33). “We are just on the same wave length,” says Louves. “The age difference we do not perceive at all. Maja is a person I can talk about anything and laugh. No matter whether or not I need relationship advice, or problems on the Job talk to Maja always has an open ear. And very important: We can also mention wonderfully together.”
Brunner nods: “Fabienne is one of my closest Friends. When I talk to her about my Worries or concerns, it is at eye level and advises me to be at least as good as my friends of the same age. On the one hand has to do with it, that it is a very warm-hearted, sensitive man, with a Sunny disposition. On the other hand, probably also to the fact that we are so similar. We both love the Singing, the acting, and good food.”
“Maja gave me early on, valuable tips”
The friendship of the two singers began about ten years ago, when they played together for the first Time theatre. Since then, they were seen in countless productions. Most recently in the piece “The small low-the village Opera,” in the zürich Bernhard Theater. The many hours on stage and in the wardrobe of welding them together most. “Maja gave me valuable tips as far as the Singing and Occur. I am very grateful,” says Louves. “And I can learn at least as much of Fabienne,” adds Brunner. “She helps me in dealing with the social media, or advises me at the Shop in terms of style and clothing. You are also not afraid to tell me: “Maja, you can’t bear to mamelig”!”, Brunner said, laughing.
Would become the two also have Girlfriends, if they were the same age? “I think so,” says Louves. Brunner shook his head: “When I was in Fabienne’s age, I was constantly in competition, under pressure. Today, I don’t see it, fortunately, much more relaxed. It is nice to have a young woman in my life, I can show much of what I learned. Fabienne is the daughter I never had.”