was sent to jail the Governor of Khabarovsk Krai effective Manager, where the region began to develop, people felt it, and because now unhappy? Or a simple populist who bought love of the people a pair of public relations techniques? “MK” interviewed experts involved in regional politics and Economics.
Natalya Zubarevich, doctor of geography, Director of the regional program of Independent Institute of social policy:
“the Economy of the Khabarovsk territory rests on several pillars: the aircraft (in Komsomolsk-on-Amur is a leading enterprise of aviation holding “Dry” for the production of fighter – “MK”.) the oil refinery in Khabarovsk, and the forest. And in industry they have this: more planes released – from growth, less – just not very nice.
Data on the gross regional product from us until 2018, so it’s hard to say what was there in the last two years (Sergey Furgal became Governor in the autumn of 2018. – “MK”), which dynamics of development. But at the edge there are the specifics for 2020. First, in the crisis of April-may they did not have the decline of industry, and this means that the state defense order was. Second, in the first quarter of 2020, a 22% increase in investment. The region is building an airport in Khabarovsk, and was able to choose a partner. They chose the Japanese that was the right investment decision. But if you look at the share of Khabarovsk Krai in all investments in the country still turns out a ridiculous figure of 0.8%.
it may be noted that in the Khabarovsk region was not a rigid quarantine, and because in this crisis have fallen less than trade. They have low unemployment, because large and medium-sized enterprises, if not, then is not unemployment, but underemployment. As the whole country, it fell proceeds from income tax by: APR by 40 percent. Revenues from personal income tax fell slightly less…
Generally, the Khabarovsk Krai is around the average person: the level of budget sufficiency, and economic development. And for two years nothing objectively did not happen, because the real major investments in the Krai and the far East in General didn’t come. The liberal democratic party can say anything, but a Governor is unable to pull such a problem in terms of infrastructure, remoteness and the prevalence of branches of the military-industrial complex of the region. So do not ascribe to Furgala supereconomy managerialism: it was not and never could be under the circumstances. And everything that happens with him now, no relation to the economy has not in front of us political history”.
Rostislav Turovsky, a political geographer and a political scientist, Vice-President of Fund of political technologies:
“Not to say that Furgal was an effective Governor – mi��it’s just impossible without a strong center support, which he lacked. Besides from its predecessor (Governor from 2009 to 2018 Vyacheslav Shport – “MK”.) he inherited a huge national debt, which is quite limited freedom of action in the financial sector. Furgala phenomenon is connected with another. First, attempts to engage in dialogue with society and to take at least a point decision in his favor, which distinguished it from its predecessor, which did not even bother to campaign, thinking that people will know to vote for him. Secondly, with the traditional for the Far East negative attitude to Moscow, which became even more skeptical when the center was given to the far Eastern Federal district a lot of attention, and social outcomes there are few who waited. Elected on a wave of protest Furgal became a symbol of attempts to defend regional identity, though, and was no rebel. So it is not a person Furgala and public sentiment in the far East, which made him a “hero of the crowd”, even for a while.”
Mikhail Vinogradov, a political analyst and head of Fund “the Petersburg policy” (for many years, participated in the preparation of annual rating of political survival rate of governors):
“on the one hand, Sergei Furgal was really popular and showed the image of “real” politics, the apparent deficit nastasescu many modern public figures. And for two years he has managed not to lose support, while maintaining the image of the “people’s” Governor and avoiding sharp corners in the relations with Moscow, and in General behaving as a system official, ready to work Governor.
We haven’t released the ratings of survival rate of governors (the latter dates from the year 2016 – “MK”.). But if you reconstruct we used the criteria and apply them to the head of the Khabarovsk territory, at the time of the pandemic to his political survival could be estimated on 4 with a minus. In favor Furgala worked popularity, consistency and the costs of replacing versus no obvious lobbyists in the center, and the activity of law enforcement officers around his person.”
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