the Historic drop in oil prices that occurred in recent months, has led to a record drop in the cost of gasoline. In the US, fuel prices fell to 20-year low in Germany – to 11-year low in Japan – to 5-year low. In Russia, however, has not changed and may even grow. This despite the fact that our country is one of the top three oil producing countries and the “black gold” we have in abundance. The paradox is easily explained: in coronaries Russian oil companies should Fund the citizens.

a Gallon of gasoline in the US was worth less than $1 in some States, the company said GuaBuddy. The gallon is 3.785 liters. When translating in the usual Russians units, fuel there costs about 17.5 cents per liter. In Russia the average cost of a liter of AI-95 is 45.9 rubles at the end of April, Rosstat reported.

Less than one Euro a liter of gasoline costs in Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Czech Republic, Cyprus. The average price in Europe for the past two weeks decreased by 2 cents and be 1.04 euros, calculated portal Autotraveler. In early March of AI-95 cost 1,25 euros, but in mid-may of last year, even more – 1.32 Euro per liter. Hence, on a yearly basis fuel in the European countries have lost more than 20% of the cost. This is a substantial savings, considering that tanks are the most common brands of cars can accommodate 50-60 liters of fuel.

Russian vertically integrated oil company that owns a network of gas stations, lower prices are not collected. The head of LUKOIL Vagit Alekperov said that the cost of gasoline in Russia is not tied to international oil prices. While on oil, pushing the tax burden, as well as excise taxes and payments under the damping mechanism. In 2020, gasoline retailers will pay the state $ 700 billion roubles of additional incomes, said Alekperov.

In these circumstances, the oil companies are trying to recoup their costs at the expense of the Russians and the domestic market of petroleum products. “Unlike the US or Europe, in Russia, a large part of the budget (over 50%) are derived from the sale of oil, gas and petroleum products – and not only exports, but also domestically,” says the head of analytical Department AMarkets Artem Deev.

Russia with its vast territories, the length of roads and number of motorists consumes a huge amount of gasoline. “Fuel – the product that people always buy, almost at any price level. While the cost of fuel in Russia more than 60% are taxes. And in the US, for example, the proportion is 22%. Nothing surprising: ten years ago experts of the oil industry said we will soon reach the European level of fuel prices – this has happened,” added our source.

Over the past 20 years, gasoline prices in our country total increased by 475%, according to Autonews. ROS��Yi power even greater growth try to keep a very extravagant ways. In the past year when high oil prices they have caused damper, which was attached to the oil companies who were not selling gasoline for export. Now the damper oil pay extra to budget and the domestic market for them as salvation, so the fuel is not getting cheaper. The energy Ministry has proposed to further support the Russian oil companies. The Ministry wants to temporarily ban the import of cheapened foreign gasoline in Russia. So consumers in General will be out of options to fill the budget.

for the sake of Justice we will note: in other oil-producing countries, gasoline is often more expensive than the buyers. For example, motorists of Norway-making of 1.47 euros per liter. They have gasoline too expensive lately. However, there and the standard of living is different. The average salary in the Scandinavian country is 4700 euros, equivalent to 370 thousand rubles.

no Doubt, in the absolute prices of gasoline in Russia is cheaper than in Europe. But relative – compare with the solvency of the population – this is not a public commodity. Motorists tell when the Moscow traffic of 1,000 rubles is enough for two or three days trips to work and back from the residential district to the center. To get to the garden and back is about the same. Active use of the machine comes at a price. Recall the average salary in Russia before the pandemic was only 45 thousand rubles.