Writer, actor, playwright and Director Evgeny Grishkovets in an interview Aify told about why performances, concerts and online education is a sham, and some limitations — fraud, and dinners on udalenke “comrades in misfortune”, the desire to fly, the children and failing to write books, when I have time, but there is no plan. Vladimir Polupanov, AIPPI At the beginning of the quarantine, you said that it all reminds you of insomnia, and when I can’t sleep, and something to do, too. But Leonid Parfyonov, for example, believes that it is not time to wait. Have you found yourself something that you drew in pandemonia period?Eugene Grishkovec: All right says Parfenov. To any normal person that the life was taking its toll. There was time, and I read and wrote with their comments chapters of the book about Winnie-the-Pooh Alan Alexander Milne for adults and children (“Winnipegosis reading”) that people don’t remember very well. But most importantly, what I was doing (can’t call it because it is a temporary activity), I began to eat online. The first time I did it on 3 April. It was the first Friday that everyone in the country realized as a quarantine. I’m not every Friday, had fun and walked. But I have always had the opportunity. And now I have no such possibility. I thought, “what can I do? To drink it would be desirable”. But I’m not educated to drink alone. The day before, and asked people: “And let’s meet online”. Decided I would pour myself wine, set a fancy table, I’ll eat, drink and talk. And those who want to see and hear, let them watch, listen and comment.Many wrote that they sat with their families, had tables. I repeated, and then another and another. As a result, I was 14 esters of different subjects, not always fun. I drank different drinks, each time in a different put on the table. There are people who I began to send food and alcohol. Was human history. I don’t take it as an art. It’s just a desire to recall that I was a normal person need people. Because of my profession, this lifestyle, I can professionally improve the mood of the people or something professional to speculate. Suggestions to monetize. But I understand that it is impossible to monetize, because it turns out that this is money trouble. Dinners appeared as a necessary measure, as we are all comrades in misfortune.— And yet for you this time lost?— Yes. Because there is nothing good in this forced sitting at home no. If I have time, dropped a creative break, which I had intended to write a book, probably, I would be glad to this circumstance, that’s such a coincidence. But I is not matched. In January and February, I wrote two pieces, one of which tookthe for statement in the “contemporary” and the other in the Theater. Pushkin. In the “contemporary” rehearsal was supposed to start in may, but now all the theaters are sending employees on leave. Premiere at the Theater. Pushkin, scheduled for November, has been postponed until February. We can’t practice doing something that used. The feeling that of us as a social group simply forgotten. I understand very well that only hairdressers in Moscow alone more than stage actors or musicians Symphony orchestras throughout the country. We are not enough. And we don’t produce a product that is vital. Someone may believe that the theater — it is generally a luxury that now people have no money. This is not good.There is a feeling of helplessness, loss of various senses, a strange feeling of depreciation of my work, what I love, what I’m loyal to. Since I now live without the theatre, without my colleagues, who are mostly all in Moscow, of course, there is a sense of slight abandonment. On the other hand, I like a normal person to handle it, to calm yourself down, no way to show your loved ones, relatives, children, who largely depend on me, their weakness and abesolutely. Of course, it has to be a way to creatively conceptualize…— by the Way, is already written dozens of songs on the theme of coronavirus and isolation.— I am convinced that you will be charged a lot of some fantastic films, dystopia and written more than a dozen books on the subject of what is happening. But I also know that this will be mostly garbage literature. When we get out of this quarantine, we just don’t want to read and watch, because we will not want to be reminded about it. I’m writing a book called for yourself “Quarantine notes, or Notes from the stopped time.” But I don’t know what it would be for a book, what genre. Only write in order to regain a working lifestyle and not go crazy. For the book design. This idea I’m more of himself out than he was born. As a rule, such works are not compulsory for writing.— I have the impression that the writer is never ready to write a book. But it’s just time he sits down and writes it. How do you come?— So. The idea comes by itself. It happens that I live a year and another without literary purposes. It is impossible to invent. I quietly await what he will come sooner or later. And when he comes, I sit down to write. And then there was a time, and plan no. To dinner online with a large audience — it is a viable format, even though live is much better. What do you think about concerts, performances and education online?— Categorically do not accept it. See how my children are doing online education. It’s torture for them and for Uch��residents. It is a profanation. See as many people excited and began to talk about the prospects of such education on remote. Of course, it’s cheaper. But it is impossible to replace the genuine fellowship of man with man, direct contact. Online education, especially in creative educational institutions, for example, in theatre, is a profanation. The theatre is not one Millennium there is so, when on stage, the actor, and at the same time in the hall of audience. They live in the same space, the same events together, breathing the same air. One creates artwork, the other consumes. Therefore, online performances — is also a fake, a substitution. Sitting at a screen, people can never get the same impression of symphonic music or Opera, performed live. Concerts of popular music? Yeah, someone better, someone worse. But never replace the impression of a live performance of your favorite artist, when you’ve got the same song being sung by the hundreds and even thousands of people who know her. No one can get original works of art online.If you come such times, that means we need to be patient and not to profane the art, it is not necessary to give a substitute. There are people that were in the theatre didn’t go ever. And now they’re watching some online play, I would say: “I have always said that the theater is shit. And now it was once again convinced”. I was once advised: “Look at the performance of Tetra Mossovet “Uncle Vanya””. I tried, but it’s impossible to watch. It’s poorly shot. And in theatre, perhaps, on this performance, people were crying. I often hear the opinion that after the pandemic the world will never be the same. Do you think that humanity will change or not?— Be sure to change. What was the shake-up after September 11, 2001! We can see how everything after that changed. It was not terrible risovannymi searches at airports. It was possible to carry on a plane alcohol. On flights with British Airways after the climb, opened the cockpit, to invite children. It was possible to sit in the copilot’s seat. Now it is impossible to imagine. This I give simple examples. This, too, was a serious terrorist attacks. But this was so revealing and global…Faith in technology and civilization was severely undermined after the death of “Titanic.” It was a symbolic tragedy about which we speak so far. After the pandemic, too much will change. We used to laugh belonged to the Chinese and the Japanese, who wore masks in their countries. And now the man in the mask, we are not perceived as too cautious, timid or having read the monstrous projections of the crank. We’ve all seen how fragile life. All of our plans related to our business, and canceled. Many say, how many babies will be born after a pandemic. All this nonsense. How many children are not born because of the pandemic, because people are afraid for economic reasons to have children. Humanity, of course, will come out of this with severe injuries, phobias, and a large number of negative experiences. — You complained that it was impossible to celebrate the 16th birthday of your son Sasha in quarantine. As you still mentioned?— Is to say, nothing. Delayed it turned out the occasion. We sat at the table and solemnly congratulated him. Fortunately he is not with us is very boring. He has the ability to play and communicate online with friends. If the country has postponed the Victory parade on June 24, then can’t we move the celebration of the birthday of the son when it would be come friends? It was 16 already is philosophical.— What I want to be your children?— Youngest daughter Mary 10 years. And she, quite naturally, no one wants to be yet. Elder daughter Natasha, who is 24 and enjoys creativity. She has recorded with DJ Smash song “Spring window” (“NOT Grishkovets” — Ed). In my opinion, it is charming. She is interested in writing song poetry. Sasha graduated from music school and another two years to study in General. He understands that his life will not be associated with artistic creativity. The performance and composition of music does not interest him. He has a good sense of humor, but he’s not going to be a writer. I think he will be a humanitarian, but not a creative specialty. Neither he nor we can not see anything wrong in this.— You man of action. In normal times, your family probably not so often sees. So long when you spend time with family, is this no good?— Of course. We can tell each other that we’re all good. We the crew. Yes, there is fatigue from the situation, but we got to the irritation. This is very important. Once people start each other to annoy, it’s a very bad sign. Yes, I often for a long time are not at home. But when I return, I’m home all the time. When he wrote the novel “Theatre of despair”, more than six months I hardly left the house. In General, when you write, no matter what are not distracted, I’m friendly, flexible, respect myself and respect everyone around him. I’m a wonderful man, the best in the world.— And the rest of the time?— Are different. I once asked what I need in order to write. I said, “Nothing but ideas”. It is impossible to write a book, when kids get sick, parents when there is bad news when somewhere nearby there is a war, under such events, which are impossible to ignore. And now, it’s something impossible to ignore. I have many friends, in particular, a wonderful actress Alena Babenko, who will play in the play based on my play in the theater “Contemporary”. She rehearsed and was in the hospital with��envirocom. And hard to tolerate disease. And her husband Vitaly, whom I know well, also sick. Isn’t that experience? We, the countrymen with Alena (from Kemerovo — Ed.) know each other and are friends. Worried about those people who do business collapsed. People have had such severe scrapes. Constantly need to help someone. And then you think that soon will have to ask for help yourself. Of course, this is not conducive to sit and peacefully write a book.— I read that say different philosophers on the topic of what is happening. In particular, the Italian Giorgio Agamben drew a parallel between the epidemic and terrorism. Since both these phenomena, in his opinion, are sources of fear, horror and collective panic. He drew attention to a paradox: in the face of terrorism, we agreed that freedom must be suppressed to protect her. Similarly, we now say that we must suspend the life to protect her. How do you view this? — I agree. Only terrorism is the goal, and the coronavirus that causes it is not. In the case of attack is the beneficiary. It is the terrorist. And in the situation of pandemic of the beneficiary no. I see, and it is quite naturally in these conditions, strengthening the functions of the state. And no acts of disobedience did not happen. We rather meekly “isolated themselves”. Taught by bitter experience, we will always be ready to obey any restrictions of freedoms. I don’t think the state of such excessive control needs. It is burdensome for the authorities and for us.Many measures that are now being adopted, redundant, or meaningless. It is not our Ministry of culture has come up with such initiatives in Italy and Austria. But we have picked up on it. I’m talking about the Seating of people in a staggered manner in the theaters, which will open in September. It is an impossible thing. Technically and practically it is impossible. In theatre it is impossible to launch people, as in any savings Bank, complying with the five-foot distance. Children’s performances in this case, it is absolutely impossible. Children will never be able to observe it all. Who will control the Seating during a performance? How people will enter and go in the hall closet? To keep this distance, people will need to spend an hour to get in, take your clothes to the closet, and then to receive it. These measures — not that other as fraud. I think they are made in order to show that something is being done, but also to absolve themselves of responsibility. For infection a big difference, how many people can find room in one confined space: 350 or 700. We explained why the need for restrictive measures. To accumulate a sufficient number of beds to make a large number of patients simultaneously. We were told that these ��depends are accumulated. All done. Then why keep the economy in such tough gloves? Virologists say that we will sooner or later need to recover. We all demonstrated strong civic consciousness, peace, and patience. A meekly went to the grave of the victim: money, career, business etc. Well, we already have enough to educate. Let us have will to do what will learn not to fight it and live with it. If we all parabolae, what difference will parabolam it in a year or three? Just, if three, then we missed a huge number of active and useful members of society.— What is the first thing you will do when you lift the quarantine and remove restrictions?— The first thing I really want to fly somewhere on a plane.— Somewhere? No matter what? Just want to get on the plane. I want to move somewhere, to move. I missed you at the airport, even the smell of the aircraft and of the opportunity to fly somewhere. I really miss Moscow, by the way. Didn’t think I missed it.