General cleaning can be difficult. On the eve of the approaching of may day, traditionally associated in the Russian consciousness with the season of Saturdays, “Kommersant Style” decided to turn to a world expert — the author of the book “Magical housekeeping” and host of “Tidying up” on Netflix by Marie Kondo, which believes that it is necessary only once globally to restore order at home, not to turn this into a daily routine. “Kommersant Style” chose seven important principles of cleaning according to Marie Kondo, if you decided to do it now.Select for a General cleaning a few days”Clean a little every day — and will take forever,” warns Marie Kondo. If you do not suffer from the syndrome of manic cleanliness of Monica from the TV series “Friends” and not get a lot of pleasure here, select a few days when you can really commit that time. Most importantly — set yourself a clear goal and disassemble everything to the max, to more to this to come back, at least in the next couple of years.Disassemble things by category, not in places hraneniya often the stored items of the same type in different places, for example, important papers and documents may be in the drawers in the bedroom, hallway or office, and the cosmetics and drugs and is usually scattered throughout the house. Not to take things apart several times, the rule is like this life hack from Kenmare: divide things into categories and study them in turn. For example, one day you can dedicate all the clothes that you have, other medications and cosmetics, third books and magazines and so on. So you will save time and realize how much you have actually stored.First get rid neogeography the principle of effective cleaning is that you first need to get rid of all the junk, and then spread the desired. If you not just want to get as a result of General cleaning clean and tidy space, but also “rachenitsa”, feel free to get rid of unnecessary things. Something you can give to relatives, friends and acquaintances, to transfer the funds to sell or eventually to recycle them. So you have immediately freed more space for storage that can be used efficiently.Do not clutter up the house or counsel, sometimes it’s difficult getting rid of anything memorable or just a nice, but completely unnecessary. However, this is not a reason to move to the country, to the parents or to store in the closet and on the mezzanine. Whenever a difficult choice — to leave or throw away, ask yourself whether it brings you pleasure this thing? Do you take advantage of her again? Will be useful if it is someone from your family? If all of the questions, get the answer is “Yes”, then the thing you have to send the Deposit. In the opposite casetea don’t be fooled and safely get rid of junk.Highlight the main areas for granteds each category, highlight areas for storage, given the number of things of a particular type. For example, all the clothes you can try to group together in one Cabinet, and for drugs to allocate a box or crate of suitable size. Documents can be decomposed into folders and also to clean in a special box or put on the shelf. Important — if you clearly lay out areas for storage and be disciplined to return things to the place, they finally cease to disappear and be lost.Vertical storage of clothing — the key to order in scapulary Condo advises to store things vertically rather than horizontally, as many are accustomed. The point is that the vertical storage you can see the full volume of clothes which you have and you will be able to choose what to wear, without shifting of the stack of t-shirts. To a vertically folded jeans or sweaters, you need to roll them in a tube and tightly secured to each other in the box. This life hack still keeps things ironed and doesn’t allow them to crease.The most difficult and most important to disassemble melodicaly to sift through the mountains of cards, letters, cosmetics, jewelry, coins from different countries, batteries, trinkets and other commemorative or not things have to try. In the Japanese language these items are called the word “komono” that can be translated as “different things”. To effectively dismantle them and not to go crazy, try again to divide it up into categories and analyze each in turn, always asking yourself the question: do I need it really?Natalya Kudryavtseva
Everything How to clean your house properly