Doctors, nurses, police officers, sellers, builders, and co. are “system-relevant”. And without him, a lot of people would be stupid to get out of trouble watch: Jens Wagner is a plumber and has to work in pandemic times, so that everything runs.

a plumber can’t look contactless pass on your customers – you need to get in the apartment, without knowing, whether you are a free Zone located in Corona or not. But Jens Wagner is lucky: Many of his customers are from the trade or the industry – that’s why his company has orders and can continue to exist.

The large customers pull back on orders due to Corona and divide your employees into layer groups, to the then Wagner and his Team can adjust. With private customers, the look is quite different: Many have a fear of the pandemic and want to let Strangers in the house.

Corona in Hamburg: plumbers via video call

Generally, the contact among the plumbers in his company will be avoided, says the managing Director. “Here is also welcomed with a handshake.” With mouth protection, disinfectants and distance his Team is working on.

“Without us, it couldn’t be.”, Wagner says. Nevertheless, he tries to avoid customer contact wherever possible via video call, he could often be the concern of the customers show up and can help have to be non-self-on-the-spot.

But that is unfortunately not always: “I haven’t had that one said, I’m going out there.” To many people were the employees of Wagner in the apartment of the customer and to the care of a Corona-infection.

A queasy feeling, the managing Director has currently, but he plays it down. “Others can’t work just because I want to complain not so much,” he says of the MOPO.

everyday hero: With common sense, it is more

With healthy people, he would mind and his Team make it just through this difficult time, says Wagner. With great caution and careful consideration of the importance of the concern of the plumber do their Job.

There is also signed through the window by something or “the faucet does not drip out for a few weeks longer, that is so bad.”

This article was written by Svea Eßer

As pushy, slide and backrest handle the travel a real pleasure, FOCUS Online, As pushy, slide and backrest handle the travel a real pleasure the health system is collapsing in the middle of April, when we collapsed the guidelines do not heed PCP health system in mid-April, when we are the targets, not to heed.

*The post “plumber Jens Wagner: “Without us, it couldn’t be”” will be released by Mopo. Contact with the executives here.
