From the lessons of history we know what happens when upper classes can not, and the lower classes do not want. A revolutionary situation. It looks like it is brewing around the unrecognized republics in the South-East of Ukraine DND and LNR. Which, as many believe, one foot (de facto) already in Russia. And can soon become full-fledged subjects of the Federation.
These statements often heard “on the side” – from those who 6 years ago was one of the originators of the unrecognized republics. For example, the first Prime Minister of the DNI and the head of the volunteer Union of Donbass Alexander Borodai believes that the question of admission of these territories may be resolved in the near future spontaneously. And if not, then a maximum of 2-3 years.
According to the former Prime Minister of the Republic long ago are in some sense “hidden Russian regions”. And there is compelling evidence: political integration (hundreds of thousands of residents LDNR already have Russian passports), economic and finally the psychological factor. If Kiev they are virtually abandoned, then who else will support the Russian-speaking population in the South-East of Ukraine, neither Russia?
it is Clear that in our country too there are many politicians who are invited to join the breakaway Republic in the here and now. Or at least, as a first step towards further convergence, to recognize the DNI and LC official.
How will the events develop? After all the smoke without fire does not happen, more and more representatives of the power structures involved in a heated discussion.
– From persons who are entitled to comment on such issues, there was no official statement – said the expert on Russian-Ukrainian relations, the expert of Institute of the CIS countries of the Russian Federation Denis Denisov. – This is especially important against the background of numerous statements of some Russian politicians.
But the thing is, that is not fully thought out statements from both sides have an enormous impact on ordinary people, the citizens of the Republic. Including in their relation to Russia.
Their expectations on the reunification of the Republic with Russia are overestimated, the time is running out and no real progress in this respect is not happening. Local authorities are trying to prove that rapprochement with Russia is developing in all areas. And constantly warm up interest to this topic, the media is full of information, how actively is the process of integration. But the lives of ordinary people for six years is not changed.
Declaration is one thing, reality is another.
– the leader of the young Russian party, Zakhar Prilepin proposes to hold a referendum on joining the unrecognized republics in Russia. And if 75 % of the population would vote “for”, it is possible to attach or at least formally acknowledged. DNR-LNR will give a percentage if to organize a referendum?
– will Give 95 %, if you initially focus on the needs of ordinary citizens of the Republic. Such initiatives should be welcomed, they sooner or later can be reflected in concrete actions of Russia.
the Problem is in the leadership of the republics. They are in Moscow, I report on some successes, but talking mostly about something else. Maybe they have something, and everything is great, but not ordinary people who are tired of waiting.
– Former speaker of the Novorossia Oleg Tsarev recently called, that is, not fooling the population LDNR empty promises. In his opinion, they will not become part of Russia…
– He knows the situation, was one of the founders of this movement in the South-East of Ukraine. I’m of the same opinion.
Let in the near future will not be joining Russia or referendum. But if between the republics and Russia will start a real economic integration, will be seen the results, to date, it would be a great victory, a breakthrough. I think people in the Donbass are waiting for these steps.
– And if Moscow officially recognized the breakaway Republic, what will change?
– In the current situation it is a question of the symbolic. Nothing. Moscow, as you know, without the official recognition has a huge humanitarian and economic support to those regions.
And the reaction of the “international community” to take this step is quite predictable: the howl of the world and a new wave of sanctions.