The Creator of Telegram, Pavel Durov has accused Apple and Google in total control over which apps billions of users worldwide can install on their phones, and suspected of the Corporation that they collect taxes from all of humanity. The publication of his Telegram-he called to talk openly about the evils of the current situation “for billions of users, hundreds of thousands of developers, for national economies and for global progress.”

According to Durov, “Apple and Google owe their monopoly position on the market is the authors third-party applications for their platforms.” While developers have to pay them a Commission of 30 percent of earnings. For hosting, marketing, licenses, taxes and salaries they have two-thirds of profit, which is not always enough, he says.

Durov called the situation paradoxical because, in his opinion, monopolists exploit the people twice: first, developers create apps that provide a competitive advantage, and then give a third earned.

“And if Google still provides a limited ability to run apps outside of Play store, Apple gives its users to go a single step beyond their closed ecosystem,” — said the Creator of the Telegram.

He added that plans to participate in discussions with regulators in the European Union started an antitrust investigation against Apple. Durov also proposed to oblige the company to allow users to install apps not only via the App Store:

“Users should be free to run apps on their smartphones — just as they are now able to install any programs on their computers”.

If this does not happen, then, according to Durova, the capitalization of Apple will continue to grow, and developers from Eastern Europe will continue to sell their startups “for small for the giants of Silicon valley amount.”

“to Disturb the two supranational corporations to collect tax from the whole of humanity is a difficult task,” — said the Creator of Telegram and urged to speak out against dobolyi Apple and Google in the mobile apps market.

Earlier in June, the actor is called upon to fight the monopoly of Google and Apple to install applications and do it yourself or through alternative to Google Play and the App Store. He called a Commission of 30 per cent, which Internet giants take from the sale of digital products, insane. According to Durov, because of her broken interesting start-UPS, and entire industries have no chance to appear.