The founder of the popular messenger Telegram Pavel Durov has lashed out at Apple and Google 30% Commission on purchases in mobile apps and offered a way to solve this problem. Appropriate messages posted on the page of Durov in the Twitter social network.

“Apple and Google impose insane sales tax at the rate of 30% on all digital products sold on every mobile phone in the world” — wrote in his message, the founder of Telegram.

He also noted that as a result, users pay more, entire industries and startups are either destroyed, or does not appear, and regulators for decades to not pay attention to this situation.

In addition, responding to a question from a user if he has a solution to this problem, Durov noted that a deprivation of Apple monopoly “and want to allow users to install applications directly or through alternative app stores, not just via the AppStore, where there is a Commission of 30% and censorship, but there is no privacy”.

We will note as reported IA REGNUM, June 18, the Federal service for supervision in the sphere of Telecom, information technologies and mass communications (Roskomnadzor) was removed from the list of blocked resources the official site of the messenger “Telegram”.