Scientists are working to develop lyntest, that in half an hour can determine whether you are infected with coronavirus.

Denmark’s Technical University (DTU) is soon ready with a lyntest, as in half an hour can determine whether a person is infected with the coronavirus.

It writes the Danish newspaper Politiken.

The new rapid test will mean that there may be thousands of tests in a short time.

– It is ambitious, but also realistic that we can be ready with 10,000 test per week in the course of a very short time. It will say in about a week after easter, says professor Anders Wolff from DTU Bioengineering to the newspaper.

the Regions have in recent days reached a target to test 5000 people in a day.

Thursday was the figure of 5734, and on Friday it rose to 5999 coronatest.

But the health authorities have even higher ambitions and would like to have the number of the test up to 15,000 in a day after easter.

The goal of the new tool from DTU probably help to realize.

DTU has developed lyntesten with the support of the government’s hastepulje to coronarelateret research.

The first results looks promising, and now it is according to the professor about to deliver 1000 of the chips, which sit inside testinstrumenterne.

– Our technology can initially be used to test the medical professionals at the hospitals and the staff and residents in nursing homes.

– We imagine also that the test can be used to test citizens in tents at the parking lots outside hospitals, so you do not get the infection in, ” says Anders Wolff.

the Idea for the new test comes from the development of an appliance in under an hour, can check, whether there is salmonella or avian flu in poultry and food production.

The new tool has been tested on 120 coronaprøver at Vejle Hospital to see if there is consistency in relation to the test results, must.

It has, according to Anders Wolff proved to be the case in over 97 percent of the test results.

on Thursday last week entered the new criteria for testing in force. This means that also persons with mild symptoms of coronavirus can be tested.

Previously, testing was reserved for those with severe symptoms.
