In the night of may 28 Moscow time in the USA broke the long-awaited launch of the spacecraft Crew Dragon company SpaceX Elon musk. Start from the spaceport Kennedy in Florida — where 51 years ago the moon went astronauts Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins — were meant to symbolize the rebirth of American manned space flight. “B” live watched the beginning of a new era once again postponed.”All is well except the weather, but the weather seems to be moving in the right direction”,—, 43 minutes and 13 seconds until the start of the voltage measurement and the spaceport, and Florida, and perhaps all of America: live broadcast on YouTube-channel NASA watched almost two million people.Chat broadcast you can find almost all languages of the world. “May God bless this mission!” — written in English. “Good luck! Hi Bolsonaro!” — in Brazilian Portuguese answered by another user. “Earth in the porthole, the earth is in the porthole, the earth through the porthole visible…”, dreamily written in Russian.To start came thoroughly: it was the first flight of a Crew Dragon with astronauts test Douglas Hurley and Robert Behnken had to resurrect American manned space flight, buried together with the draft of the Space Shuttle. “This is the first launch of a space vehicle with people on Board from American soil since 2011”,— breathy voice told leading broadcast. More than four hours they managed to tell about the systems of the spacecraft, launch vehicle, the Falcon 9 and all the peculiarities of their usage: the dressed rocket, what colour is a flame when the combustion of fuel, how the system of evacuation on the ship, and how did you train the astronauts. Live called and one of the former conquerors of space, which told me what I was thinking before the start and how he was worried about the weather before takeoff.Photo: Joe Skipper , ReutersУделяли attention to all the little things: “Now comes the filling of the spacecraft, and the astronauts on the monitors and see the progress. When Crew Dragon flew without crew, all the sounds in the cockpit were recorded and, during training, sound refueling is also lost.” Two hours before the launch aboard the number one spaceport has arrived the President of the United States Donald trump: his liner even circled the launch pad to the head of state could enjoy the sight of the mighty spacecraft from the window.Explaining all the little things went on, the intrigue remained until the last moment. The official forecast was: a chance for good weather for the launch is 60%. Half an hour before launch time, NASA experts have announced that estimate, as it is now dissipated energy from lightning discharges. “Let’s GO!” suddenly there was an inscription in Russian in the chat broadcast.But “to go”, however, was not fated. 16 minutes to the pre��believe time is distorted walkie-talkie voice of one of the experts evaluating weather conditions, said: the launch will not take place, hope for better weather there. “NOOO!” — fly messages in the chat. “That’s because the rocket is not consecrated!” suggested, apparently, familiar with the domestic space-the viewer. “To watch the second time, I won’t, I’m angry,” wrote someone in English.Photo: Joe Skipper, ReutersРазочарованные leading broadcast began to calm down the audience: this is the standard, many times an established procedure and the health of astronauts is the most important, besides it have failed, we just the weather, all other systems worked normally. The number of spectators slowly slid to about a million: many, apparently, did not want to part with the space. The more leaders continued to tell me how the Falcon 9 is loaded with fuel, and the astronauts have until recently remained in their places. Explained the reason for the impossibility to postpone the start at least five minutes and to wait for good weather: the whole process of starting on fire, and scientists, for example, it is necessary to know the temperature of the fuel and, therefore, the available energy at each moment of time.The launch Crew Dragon with the help of rocket Falcon 9 in addition to the new era of American space exploration was to open a new era in cooperation of NASA and commercial companies. According to us media reports, the Agency has allocated SpaceX more than $3 billion for the modification of the ship to transport people with the expectation of the ability to return ships and committing at least six flights. It also works with the Boeing Corporation, whose camera Starliner must also deliver people to the ISS. According to the plan of the authorities, competition between the two companies will help American taxpayers save, but in 2019 Cockpit, launched unmanned to the ISS is not reached. New tests scheduled for the summer of this year — in case of success, Boeing will hold and manned space flight.Public-private partnership should help NASA to get rid of dependence on Russia and its Soyuz spacecraft: in case of success, SpaceX and Boeing, NASA plans to offer Russia “exchange” places on the ships as needed. The following attempt of start is scheduled for may 30 at 22:22 Moscow time, and while the astronauts are tested twice on COVID-19, go back to quarantine. A historical perspective is, of course, not so much: according to the initial plan the first manned flight of the Crew Dragon was to be held in 2017.Alexey Naumov
“Dragon” is not soared In the United States broke the first manned launch of the spacecraft company SpaceX
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