Eugene Komorowski on his page in the social network explained how COVID-19 will cease to threaten mankind. To this end, the expert compared the coronavirus smallpox and measles.

smallpox managed to win with mass vaccination – after in the world for a long time there was not a single case, the need to be vaccinated against it has disappeared, because the virus lives only in humans. The same thing would happen with measles, if it were possible to be vaccinated from it all, or almost all men. According to Komorowski, is not an exception coronavirus.

the Specialist explained that collective immunity is developed when the immune system comes from the vast number of people – according to the Kamarouski, 95 percent. In this case, even those 5 percent, which for any reason cannot be vaccinated are protected because the probability of contact with the virus for these people becomes extremely small.

Komorowski added that if the coronavirus is actively proliferate among domestic animals, herd immunity to him humanity will need to create them.

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