Disgusting but effective: Drink celery juice every day – this is what happens in your body

Celery juice is celebrated on social media as a miracle cure for a wide range of ailments. But is the drink really that healthy?

Celery juice has been experiencing a real hype for some time now. Celery, which has long been used primarily for oven-baked vegetables, soups or salads, is wonderfully suitable for juices and smoothies due to its many positive properties.

If you want to reap the benefits, you should drink a glass of celery juice every day. This recommendation from nutrition experts makes sense because celery provides a particularly high amount of vitamin C, E as well as B vitamins, iron, calcium and potassium. 

There is also a high content of the secondary plant substance beta-carotene, which protects the body from cell damage.

Due to its strong anti-inflammatory effects, celery has also proven itself as a medicinal plant against various diseases. 

In ancient Egypt, (forest) celery was used against rheutamic complaints, and in traditional Chinese medicine the juice is still considered a gentle remedy for high blood pressure. 

In Ayurvedic nutrition, celery is also said to have a healing effect on digestive problems.

In addition, celery juice has become so popular not least because of its low calorie content. A stalk of celery only has around 10 calories – but two calories are burned during digestion.

In addition, the vegetables from the umbelliferous family contain plenty of antioxidants. These chemical compounds can protect the skin from damage caused by UV radiation and thus maintain its youthful elasticity.

It is best to use fresh, organic celery for the juice; it contains a lot of nutrients. To make the juice, simply wash the celery stalks, cut them into small pieces and squeeze them with a juicer.

Tip: If you don’t like the intense taste of pure celery juice, add carrots, tomatoes or beetroot.

The original for this post “Drink celery juice every day – this is what happens in your body” comes from FitForFun.