Two solutions hackathon “Leaders of digital transformation”, discussed in detail in the online intensive Mosbootcamp has already been tested and received a positive assessment. Intermediate results of the tests showed the efficiency of services and opportunities for their introduction into the work of departments.

One of the winners of the online hackaton, developed on the instructions of the State Inspectorate for control of use of real estate platform for technical and contractual documents. The service works by using artificial intelligence technologies. It can digitize and classify paper and recognize the basic fields of contracts and their values. In addition, the system is able to create analytic reports.

the Second development dolinay to facilitate the work of radiologists. Digital tool created by the job Center for diagnosis and telemedicine, Department of health, city of Moscow, automatically compares the markings made by the algorithms with the reference markings of an experienced radiologist.

the Contest “the leaders of the digital transformation” took place from 30 October to 1 November. It was attended by 357 teams from 76 regions of Russia. 48 hours the developers had to create services and digital solutions for 10 in Moscow, the task is divided into two areas: “Artificial intelligence in the city” and “Digitalization of urban structures”. The operator of this event was the innovation Agency of Moscow.

the Winners received the prize of the Mayor of Moscow. In addition, the teams ranked first and second place were selected for participation in the program Mosbootcamp, where for three weeks have improved their products with the support of mentors and experts of structural divisions of the Moscow Government.

the innovation Agency of Moscow created the Moscow Department of entrepreneurship and innovation and brings together representatives of government and business, and technology companies to jointly address the challenges in creating, testing and implementation of innovative solutions in the capital.

Projects of the Agency of innovation of Moscow became winners and prize-winners of Russian and international prizes.