Denmark were a bit greener last year

A lower consumption of coal and natural gas, and more wind energy have helped to make Denmark greener in 2019.

Denmark’s energy consumption was generally slightly greener last year, when the consumption of coal and natural gas dropped, while renewable energy such as wind turbines went up.

It shows a preliminary statement from the Danish energy agency.

the Development has meant that the CO2 emissions from energy consumption has decreased by almost six percent this past year compared with 2018.

the Consumption of coal decreased last year by 43 percent to its lowest level ever. It amounted to thus five percent of Denmark’s total energy consumption in 2019.

at the same time, the consumption of natural gas by almost eight percent.

Although renewable energy has been expanding, oil remains the largest item in the Denmark’s energy consumption, since it represents 40 percent. This is an increase from 38 percent in 2018.

Overall, covering renewable energy, 35 percent of energy consumption last year. This is an increase from just 33 percent in 2018.

Climate – and energy minister Dan Jørgensen (S) highlights the fact that hard coal consumption has fallen during the year.

– Basically, we are on the right path, but it is also clear that there is no way yet.

– All fossil fuels must be reduced, and when we look into a fossil-free future, we must use the alternatives in all sectors.

– We have instruments in some areas – including, we know a lot about energy – but there are a number of areas where we need to get solutions developed, says Dan Jørgensen.

If you look at Denmark’s total emissions of CO2, so not only energy consumption – suggesting the preliminary figures from the Danish energy agency in Denmark was a bit greener in 2019.

CO2 emissions are judged to have fallen by 4.1 percent last year.

the Danish Parliament reached last year an agreement on a klimalov. The objective is to cut emissions of CO2 by 70 percent in 2030 compared with 1990.

It must be at a green transition of the energy sector.

by 2030-the goal is a subgoal on the way to Denmark in 2050 is to be climate neutral.

Dan Jørgensen are with the majority parties in the Parliament to negotiate a climate change plan, but coronavirusset have put a big part of the negotiations on the break.

– We are dealer in different tracks, but there are a number of key areas – including energy, transport and agriculture – where we do not negotiate, and we do not know when we get properly started with it, says Dan Jørgensen.

The Radical threatened within coronaudbruddet to overthrow the government, if there were not a climate change plan within 5. June. The batch is subsequently soft slightly up.

Dan Jørgensen will not guess, whether there can be an agreement 5. June.

– I can not say if we are good in time on the date, or the first later.

Denmark is in a state of emergency. We still have high ambitions on the green economy, but the government has the main focus on to cope with the crisis situation we are in, says Dan Jørgensen.
