Coordination and intermediation – that is the actual direction in new conditions. So thought the lawyer Yulia Kuzmina and not lost. For two months she connects buyers, couriers and producers of healthy farm food.

I have created a social network group, which brings together farmers from the region, – said Julia. – Where you can request a delivery of organic meat, milk, cheese, honey private households. I find couriers, control the entire supply chain and take a small percentage of mediation. It was formed as Samosata, so everything is legal.

Artist and musician Andrey Panshin continued to do what he likes the most is to speak in public. But now he gives concerts online from his apartment. Anyone who watches his stream in social networks, can make a donation: list the contractor money, as much as they are willing and able.

His colleague Sergei Smirnov decided to go a slightly different way:

I learned that in online-cinemas (on websites and smart TV) can sell their concerts, recorded for example in a home Studio. Will write and then will offer to purchase, will see how it goes.

Especially popular now services remote consulting. A former sales Manager of household appliances, Andrey Akzhigitov realized this, and have a month he is a tender specialist.

– the State buys goods and services through tenders, – said Andrey. In this process there are many nuances, which I studied for quite a long time. The task of the specialist in tenders – to assist suppliers and contractors to find the right tender, to convey to them all the details.

Yana Tumakova a dozen years worked in the travel Agency. Now, for obvious reasons, found new scope for their communication skills. Now she has an online shop selling women’s, men’s, children’s clothing, accessories and cosmetics. Operates on a prepaid 50%.

Those who used to take residents to the streets of the city, is now satisfied with the virtual tours. So, Lena Mityagin posted their trips to record in a closed Instagram account. You can watch them at any time, paying only 150 rubles.

workers in the restaurant business sometimes find a new occupation in an unexpected place.

– I before the decree worked as a Manager in the restaurant, – shared Irina Petukhova. – From the decree came at the end of March this year, and, of course, my services were not needed. Went for an interview in call center, tested. My new job I liked it from the first day: a lot of calls, different problems – so full of life, in General. .

In Russia have appeared online profession-nurses and craftsmen for repairs, advising clients remotely, misleading services YouDo and Avito. The online service of baby-sitting which will deal with child��m video, cost from 250 to 750 rubles per hour. Remote consultation on repair of faulty equipment will cost an average of 700 to 1000. Similar methods of work were mastered beauticians, fitness trainers and other professionals. Experts predict that will increase demand on IT consultants, psychologists, online General practitioners, social workers, logisticians.