Crimea is not going to appeal to the President of Ukraine with a request to resume the water supply to the Peninsula. This was stated by the Russian head of the region Sergey Aksenov.
He noted that in addition to Zelensky no one in Ukraine such a decision can not, the legal ability to sign a document on the water supply to Crimea he has.
“But we don’t ask we to it do not apply. We live without them”, – said Aksenov in an interview to “Russia 24”.
The head of the region said that for water supply of Simferopol, where this year there was the most difficult situation already constructed two lines of the conduits. Began the supply of water from artesian wells in the Bakhchsarai area.
The volume of thrown water reaches 55 to 57 thousand cubic meters per day (the consumption of about 160 thousand per day). Thus, water deficit decreases.
Earlier, Ukraine provided to 85% of needs of the Crimea in fresh water through the extending from the Dnieper North-Crimean canal.
However, after the return of the Crimea to Russia the water supply for the canal was discontinued, despite the opinion that the blockade will only enrage the Crimean people and set them against Kiev. Now the problem is solved due to the reservoirs, which last year became shallow due to the lack of snow in winter and rain in summer time. In addition, on the Peninsula of drilled wells and extract water from underground sources.
A number of local politicians have offered to act tougher in response to the siege of Kiev, one of the Russian regions. In particular, it was a suggestion to block the flow of the Dnieper water in the Ukraine – the origins of the river near Smolensk. However, while the Kremlin has not decided on such measures.
Earlier, the “Rambler” reported that a politician called a provocation allegations of Kiev about the invasion of Russian troops to Ukraine for the restoration of the Dnieper water supply in Crimea.