while bathing the danger of infection of the coronavirus from open reservoirs is minimal. Such a conclusion can be drawn from the message of Rospotrebnadzor.

As noted by Interfax, according to the staff of the Department “surface waters will not be considered a source of transmission of novel coronavirus infection.” This is due to the impact on water of a large number of solar rays, which are harmful to the virus.

“Evidence that COVID-19, which is transmitted from person to person by airborne droplets, can spread through water, today not,” – noted in Rospotrebnadzor.

However, experts warn that the water can be infected with other dangerous infections. It is, in particular, cercariae, giardiasis, leptospirosis, rotavirus a, hepatitis b, disenteria, cholera, salmonellosis and typhoid fever.

to avoid contamination, it is recommended to choose the most suitable places for bathing, and went out from the pond, rinse with clean water. Houses need to take a shower, using soap and a washcloth. Also, do not bathe, if the skin are damaged and symptoms of SARS. Of course, during bathing it is impossible to swallow the water.