Coronavirus curbed Russian pride

Coronavirus was a few weeks able to destroy our traditional view of the omnipotence of the Russian government. Whatever I say today, is unthinkable all this talk that the power is “on top”, and we, mere mortals, below. Nothing is left of our Russian faith, that the government can do anything she wants, what she really is sovereign over the country and the world. In my opinion, coronavirus, has undermined forever the Russian tradition of the sacralization of power.

in Russia, perhaps impossible, unthinkable. But still, I think, in the last two weeks to the Russian people back common sense, and today look like some vain, insignificant all of our past discussions, for example, the place of the concept of “God” in our Constitution. At least, I seem to be inappropriate attempts by some officials and deputies to revive today, in the context of coronavirus, the old debate on the amendments to the Constitution.

Today, it is becoming clear that people in power too are mortal, and that in fact the absolute power has only the element of life, which is inherently unpredictable. And the great difficulties facing the government, so it becomes closer to reality and closer to all us mere mortals. As it became clear from international experience, accidental infection with coronavirus may be sentenced to death the Prime Minister is exactly the same as the homeless. For “master case” has no differences between those at the top, in power, and those at the bottom, without any power.

once it seemed that everything on the top of the political Olympus is almost a destiny of God. But now the mystic power is gone, and it became clear that in fact if not all of us, many can transform from “nothing” in “all”. The trouble coronavirus as a spontaneously calls all who are in power who are trying to do something to save our lives. And there is nothing terrible that would undermine all the power in Russia.

In my opinion, no revolution in Russia, after we leave the coronavirus, will not. But the power in Russia if it wants to remain so, needs more to reckon with the realities of life, to think more about the present, not about what will remain after it in the future. Just the epidemic of the coronavirus brings us the instinct of self-preservation, we finally begin to see yourself and others-eyed. And, accordingly, vanishes the mist of Russian mysticism, fog invented by us “Russian idea”, which always froze us common sense, provoked the endless madness. And suddenly we find that “Mr. case” — the epidemic of the coronavirus, destroys the world, who created the power and we seemed unshakable. It turned out that all the plans conceived at the very top — even of a vote concerning amendments to the Constitution, though at the invitation of Western leaders to parade on May 9 — could be easily destroyed. And it turns out that very senior executives are not gods, they are beyond “Mr. case” beyond life in all its unpredictability.

Coronavirus kills not only faith in our Russian uniqueness, the exclusivity, thereby returning us to the Christian idea of the moral equality of people as slaves of God, but also leads to humility. Maybe today Russia has finally hears Fyodor Dostoyevsky, saying: “be Humble, Russian man.”

And here I see a fundamental difference between the spiritual consequences of revolutionary change and those changes which arise in the current environment of coronavirus. In fact, the revolution is not only quiet pride, but at least we, Russian, translate it in the core of the national consciousness. Don’t forget, after Lenin’s October many do believe that we are called by destiny to open to all mankind the way to the happy future of communism. And such trouble as the present pandemic, in contrast, resembles a man, and we, Russian, about our original human insecurity, recalls what “Mr. case” connect two of the virus — and reveals the helplessness of our arrogant civilization. A few weeks is crashing the whole world economy, their way of life, and hundreds of millions of people remain unemployed. And suddenly it becomes clear that the mortal is not only we humans as separate beings, but mortal all human civilization. And no one knows, not figure out whether “Mr. case” the fact that we will finally destroy.

And here is the unexplored issue of differences and consequences of fear of dying from a faceless epidemic of fear die in war, die of old age, incurable disease. I think that fear from the faceless threats much worse than the fear of death with a human face. In the days of the epidemic is found something new, the mystics of life, visible dust of all our claims to power over the world. And when you realize that you actually such insignificant insect that you kill, stepping on it, becomes visible and paltry conceit “Supreme power”, believe that it is from God that she can not be wrong, that her every act is the dictate of divine Providence.

When any of these thoughts, it becomes funny, ridiculous, all our attempts to revive the long-dead “Russian world” — for example, attempts to force Ukraine to friendship with Russia, getting ridiculous all this endless “exposing” our telepropaganda insidiousness of Kiev. As it turns out, all these propagandas��s is really not so much to strengthen Russia as destroy it. The fact that there is no truth on television, is already talking the “deep Russian people.” And I think that today, with the fears born by coronavirus, it is necessary to change the language of power, to humanize it, to make truthful close to what actually care of the Russian people, tired of the uncertainty in all that concerns his future.

And I still believe that the changes that have taken place in our national consciousness in the last few weeks, the changes, provoked by the fear of dying from the epidemic of the coronavirus, forever. I think that after everything that happened, forever gone into oblivion Russian mysticism, Russian faith in the impossible, which died millions of innocent people. Believe that all of that forced us to turn the power in Russia to the superpower, in the power of a lifetime, leaving our national consciousness. And there never really was no reason for the sacralization of power in our country. Today, the awakened instinct of self-preservation, in my opinion, set us free from fog messianism, will be brought back to life Russian common sense, will make us see who we really are, what we can and what we must do to make our lives more worthy.

But then, of course, many uncertain, unpredictable, absolutely new for the Russian national consciousness. Postkrymsky Russia, in fact, got us back in the USSR, pressed on his throat with sanctions, saved himself, saved the population of the faith in Russia by the sacralization of the past. And for this reason it was necessary to restore “glamour” even in the era of the oprichnina, in the era of Stalin, to abandon which began during the restructuring process of de-communization of the country. Hence the current popularity of A. Prokhanov, Zyuganov that convince us that Ivan the terrible and Joseph Stalin was “the embodiment of Russian idea”.

But the fact is that when the power in the country passed to “master the event”, when shaky was already present, there is no interest not only to the future but to the past. What is the meaning of it is the past that has not created anything to protect us from the power of “Mr. case”? And, of course, the loss of the values of the past creates difficulties for the preservation of the already shallow Russian national consciousness. At least in my opinion, after all this history with the coronavirus we must realize that to keep the Russian faith in themselves only to build up the joy of the present. Now we need every day, and the power, and we do everything possible to “garden city” appeared on our earth.

whether it Understands the political elite of modern Russia? If she understands that which began after the “Russian spring” 2014 zero incomes threatens not only political stable Internet connect��STI, but in General the future of our country? And I want to believe that the return of common sense, the revival of the instinct of self-preservation in the soul of the Russian people provoked by the drama of the coronavirus, forever.