Coronakrisen have put Jacob Vogl from the ‘Lion’s den’ in overtime: ‘It is for fat’

Some of his investments have crowned the corona times, other suffering a hard battle. Generally speaking, it is with Jacob Risgaards words an ’exciting’ time to do business in.

The 43-year-old ‘Lion’s den’-profile and co-owner of the internet retailer Coolshop tells to B. T., that he of of the time because of the current coronakrise jump from one board meeting to another.

He lists examples of investment partners, who right now need of extra support, and it sounds like something one could become quite dizzy, but not for Jacob Vogl.

“My partner of Coolshop and I talked just about, that it is too fat, it here. You can easily cope with a tremendous pressure, as long as it’s just in a short period of time. It is like to be independent again. I think those who have it the hardest, are the ones who stress over not doing anything.”

He adds, that he well knows, the blade hollow, as sales in Coolshop is ‘exploded’, like several of his other online retailers are flying in a time where many danes are buying at home from your computer.

“It’s also an ambivalent time for half of our businesses have the glory days.”

Jacob Vogl mentions his ’Lion’s den’investment ‘Mr Beef’, who enjoy to be able to deliver the meat home to the danes.

“‘Mr Beef’ has eddermame got speed, too many have found out, that they do not need to go out and act. Our fragtselskab Coolrunner we are also upscale to the passover, where other firms are closed because of the holidays.”

One of the investments from the ’Lion’s den’, as Jacob Vogl right now struggling with is skjortevirksomheden Barons, who have a focus on forretningsskjorter.

“There is just not someone who buys forretningsskjorter, when you should just sit at home in shorts,” he laughs and mentions also bioplastics company Maistic, which was quickly affected, as the production in China closed down, before the same at all ” was a theme in Denmark.

“It is too early to say how the economic is going to be picked up right now, where we as I said have a half, good times, and a half, where it goes ad h.. to.”

instead, Jacob Vogl focus on the positive aspect of the situation, which he believes has pushed the way of doing businesses in 10 years.

“IT has triumphed. Usually quibble the fact that we are all looking too much down in our phones, but it really has also meant that we have been able to drive the society forward.”

In the interview with B. T. sat Jacob Vogl, for example, in bestyrrelsesmøde with one of his companies.

He lives in the north, they have headquarters on the island of Zealand, and normally he would have taken his car and driven across country for a single meeting.

“video meetings works fine. It is much more effective. I have also always said that we should not have home offices, but fuck, I think our people have been effective.”

in Addition, Jacob Vogl, that it is inspiring to see how coronakrisen have got companies to think creatively.

“Look at the hotels that first shut down, but then they find out that the people course, will be the insanity of working from home, and then renting rooms out. We have also had to close our Kids Coolshop-shops in these large centres, but then they start just to provide homes to people instead.”

Jacob Vogl welcomes, therefore, for the filming of a new season of ’Lion’s den’, which he believes ’has never been more relevant’, since the man will experience both companies, if the healthy business suddenly been smashed, and others that have never been stronger, because the competition is gone.

“There are so many new dimensions, all of a sudden,” he explains.

Private Jacob Vogl, however, a small appeal in relation to keeping track at home, where he is the father to two twin girls.

“I think the teachers are sending too many messages out from the assembly hall. That is ticking all the time emails in from the first gymnastiklæreren, so musiklæreren, so dansklæreren and so on. The information overload I believe the stress families the most.”

He adds:

“But otherwise it goes fine with working from home.”