experts agree: The worst is yet to come, the highlight of the Corona-epidemic in Switzerland is still a long way.
Behind the Scenes, hospitals are working hard at this Moment to prepare. You can count on the population. Far and wide, are overwhelmed hospitals at present with requests from volunteers.
Alone in the cantonal hospital of Aarau, Switzerland within the shortest possible time have reported 200 Volunteers who want to lend a hand. Also in Lucerne is the willingness to help is large: More than 1000 people offered the cantonal hospital of your help; in the University hospital in Zurich, there were about twice as many.
“We are overwhelmed by the solidarity, which determines the population of the day,” says Fabio Blasi from the cantonal hospital Aarau. This does not, of course, is: “people could also stay prefer to stay at home, to risk nothing.”
Actually, the requests are so numerous, that the hospitals can currently use not at all all the helping hands, as Mia Meyer from the University hospital of Zurich, says. Firstly, because the hospitals have allocated already: There is currently only urgently necessary operations will be carried out, is to become in-house personnel to free. The other one looks primarily for people who already have experience in the field of health. “Some of the volunteers we had to cancel, therefore, for the time being,” said Meyer.
Personal exchange
not missing But just the clinics – the temporary employee usually pay are dependent on helper. Also homes for the aged are happy about the support. It is because nurses fail or because the home residents because of the visit to ban the personal exchange is missing.
in Addition to many volunteers, companies register with the hospitals to offer their help. So the Zurich hospital staff Publibike can use rental cycles for free, while a different company Powerbanks lends employees free-of-charge, to charge mobile phones.
Not all offers are entirely altruistic. “Some companies believe that the current Situation is a Chance to get into the business,” says Mia Meyer from the Zurich University hospital. The hospital is not at all the offers that arrive these days.
A Chance for the Temporary Jobs are in the hospitals, but also for the unemployed. Claudia Keller (52), for example, has lost two weeks ago, her Job – and immediately at the cantonal hospital Aarau for use of reported. She has started some time ago training as a hospital Secretary, and dreams for a long time it to change in the field of health. Starting tomorrow, the learned Papeteristin will be in front of the hospital for the receipt of checks. She hopes that the short-term use leads to long-term employment.
Because, according to Keller: “Well, I did at least get a foot in the door and can offer people my help.”
The volunteers say to the current Situation:
Melanie Rotschi (24), student
“sit at home, when I know that my colleagues will be inundated in the hospital of work – I can’t agree with my Conscience. Therefore, I have reported to me early in the care to help out. Currently I study and work in addition, in the University hospital of Zurich, in the company’s development. Originally, I made an apprenticeship as specialist women’s health. I think it’s nice to be able to people in a difficult time help. Even more beautiful is to see how you progress. Now I am glad if I can help my colleagues at work. I can imagine to work back in the care. Because I have also had experience in the organisation of the project, I have been in the disposition of the beds is divided in order to distribute the patients to the wards. So I can support my colleagues.”
Paul Lauber (70), the doctor
“I’m retired, but working part-time still as a doctor and a medical expert. The work with the patients I was exposed to at the moment and me as a Volunteer for the Hotline of the Federal office for health is reported. There I answer the questions of the citizens to the Coronavirus, and to give the current state of knowledge again. I like that I can continue to exercise my profession and the people support. In addition, I experience much gratitude. It is a good experience, if you can get in this difficult time.”
Irina leather man (27), a teacher
“Due to the current situation, I have more time than usual. So I signed up as a Volunteer. I am not happy with the idea, to do nothing when others need help. Starting next week, I’m going to help for a few hours per week in the nursing home. For me, this is not completely new: Already as a student, I worked during the holidays in the nursing home.”
Judith Lauber (62), a PR consultant
“When it comes to yourself well -, to engage for others, I think. Therefore, I contacted the Canton of Lucerne, and am now in a old age home. There, it will go to activate the residents and to play with you such games. Afraid to infect me, I didn’t. I was all my life be healthy, feel very fit and am still under the age of 65. But of course, I’m going to keep strictly to the rules of hygiene.”
The Coronavirus currently holds the world in suspense. Many countries are taking measures such as Closing schools or limiting public events, to prevent the spread. In Switzerland, too, the grass, the Virus magnetized. All of the current information and Figures around the topic there is in the Coronavirus-Ticker.
I Have the corona virus or just the flu?
The Coronavirus spreads further – also in Switzerland. Especially in the flu season, you can assess for yourself whether one is ill with the Coronavirus, or whether you just have an ordinary flu. The differences are subtle, but they exist. VIEWS is defined.
protection against Coronavirus
recommendations of the Federal office for health, how you can protect yourself:
wash your hands
Wash your hands regularly with soap and water or use a Hand sanitizer.
Not Sneezing into hands, sneeze
or cough in a handkerchief; or if you have none, in the bend of your elbow.
handkerchiefs correctly
paper handkerchiefs to dispose of, should be disposed of after use in a closed waste bin. the contact minimize
Avoid contact with people who have difficulty breathing or a cough.
to Avoid larger gatherings of people or public transport. To remain as home to the “most important thing of All is up to date”, so that more and more people are infected. You should go only in exceptional cases, Outside.
everything is possible, delivery at home.
Important: no welcome kiss, no hugs, no shaking hands. And always a distance of one Meter to keep.
stay Informed
please Observe the local directives and recommendations. Strictly to the rules and announcements of the authorities. “Who is healthy, and informed, remains in 99 percent of cases, healthy.”
info lines Coronavirus
For the population: 058 463 00 00
For travelers: 058 464 44 88
available: 24 hours a Day when should you to the doctor?
don’t Go any more in case of symptoms (difficulty breathing, cough, or fever) in the Public and immediately contact – first by phone, a Doctor, a doctor or a health care facility.
The Situation will continue until Further notice. Those who feel themselves safe and healthy and, therefore, to the front of the storm, risking to prolong the condition. Therefore, peace preserved, and the thing in common to serve. (SDA)