the Portal “the Peacemaker,” is prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation made another great exposé. This time the “enemy of Ukraine” his submission was locked up for 15 days Belarusian blogger Sergei tikhanovski, not registered by the CEC, the presidential candidate of the Republic of Belarus. Tikhanovski in Kiev is charged with at least two “shameful/horrible acts”.
Dirt on one of the most famous rivals of the incumbent President Alexander Lukashenko has kindly provided some “well-wishers”. Moreover, the quality factor of the Belarusian language. So good that in Ukraine some thought: instead of whether put hour hand to “Crimean dossier” Tikhanovski all-powerful KGB?
the 41-year-old political prisoner, who until yesterday was genuinely sympathetic to many of the Ukrainians, suddenly “Patriotic Maidan” turned out to be… “stoned criminalista”. In 2017, Sergei stayed on the Sunny Peninsula, where strongly emphasized the legitimacy of his belonging to the Russian Federation.
let me Remind you: the last 6 years the main applicant for an armchair of the President of Russia, Mr. Lukashenko principally does not fly to the Crimea in order not to annoy their southern geographic neighbor.
the Portal Nasha Niva, diligently covering these days in the course of the election campaign in Belarus with an obvious “roll” in the opposition, posted a few photos of the Crimean Tikhanovski, Dating from 2017. Blogger, mercilessly denouncing “Europe’s last dictator”, the spring having fun in the company of a Muscovite Alexander Dobrov and the boy Alexander Lutsenko. The account had moved a year later to the Crimea Dobrov, a check dated 4 March 2017 at the airport of Simferopol. The next day the former Moskvich posted in Facebook photo with the future candidate for “dictator Lukashenko”. System location the location of the post is defined as a village of the Simferopol area Karachi. “Without a filter. Crimea is our!!! Ride the bus”. – So signed a photo of two smiling men.
anti-Russian “Peacekeeper” did not fail to thank friends for the tip. And immediately made Tikhanovski in his “Purgatory.” Despite the fact that theoretically, Belarusian blogger could enter the territory of the Peninsula from the Kherson region, which the Ukrainian laws is not forbidden.
“Screaming anti-Ukrainian act” in Kiev also felt the placement of the author and presenter of the channel “Country Life” very eloquent anti-American movie, the final of which one of the Russian ballistic missiles blows with the face of the earth great new York is. Because the United States is the main strategic partner of Ukraine, similar attacks against them unofficially equated to a “state crime.”
As earlier repeatedly wrote “MK”, unofficial ku��the ATOR “Peacemaker” is considered to be the Deputy Minister of internal Affairs of Ukraine Anton Gerashchenko.