It now appears that many of the stranded danes abroad may soon come home to Denmark.

About 1300 people remain stranded abroad as a result of coronakrisen.

It tells the foreign ministry’s director for organisation and citizens ‘ services, Erik Brøgger.

– We have got much help, but still have the 1300 citizens in our krisedatabase, as we are trying to help, he says

the Majority of the stranded danes are, according to Erik Brøgger mainly in Pakistan and India.

He hopes that the Ministry of foreign affairs will get the bulk of the stranded danes home again within the next few weeks.

– over easter we get a big group home. It is what we bet on.

– But it is clear that there are some that sit so firmly that it can be difficult to find solutions.

in Addition he says that some individual danes hope that the ministry will send a plane down from their territory, even if there is only stranded 10 to 12 danes in the area.

But it is, according to Brøgger a too expensive solution.

– We will not send a plane to retrieve ten danes, he says.
