The American scientists Jonathan Latham and Allison Wilson have studied the master’s thesis of the Chinese colleagues from 2013 on cases of pneumonia caused by unknown viruses, and came to the conclusion that it describes the first cases of transmission of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

How to write “Izvestia”, the thesis described the mysterious death of three of the six miners, who in 2012 was purified abandoned mine Mozan from the excrement of bats. The ill was diagnosed with pneumonia of unknown origin. The symptoms coincide with those that are now observed in infected COVID-19: respiratory insufficiency, dry cough, acute respiratory distress syndrome. These cases the author of a scientific work was cited as a refutation of the argument of scientists from the Wuhan Institute, made in 2005, that SARS-like viruses of bats is not contagious to people.

American researchers found in the work of the mention of the unexplained removal of the thymus gland, one of the miners. Such an operation in such cases is not shown to rise to the assumption that it took scientists a large number of new virus contained in the thymus.

The researchers believe that in the body of the diseased miners new virus of bats have adapted to man, becoming what is now known as SARS-CoV-2. This strain of coronavirus “escaped” from a lab in Wuhan in 2019 and caused the pandemic, according to the material.