
Private Psychiatric Hospitals Struggle Despite Increased State Mental Health Spending

In the midst of a $2.5 billion expansion of Texas’ state psychiatric hospital system, private psychiatric hospitals are facing significant challenges despite being a crucial entry point for individuals with serious mental illnesses. The Texas Association of Behavioral Health Systems (TABHS) represents 65 private psychiatric hospitals that have come together to address the stagnant Medicaid rates for inpatient psychiatric care. These rates have not seen an increase in 16 years, leading to financial strain and closures of facilities in communities lacking adequate treatment options.

The Concerns of Private Psychiatric Hospitals

The Medicaid rate for inpatient psychiatric care in Texas currently stands at $529 a day, significantly lower than the actual cost of care, which can range from $700 to $900 per day. Alan Eaks, senior vice president and CEO of Signature Healthcare Services, emphasized the financial burden faced by private psychiatric hospitals, stating that they are operating at a loss despite being nearly at full capacity. The lack of rate adjustments over the years has made it challenging for these facilities to sustain their operations and provide quality care to patients.

While private psychiatric hospitals only account for about 3,658 beds statewide, they handle a significant portion of inpatient Medicaid claims for mental health and substance use treatment. Approximately 80% of Texas inpatient Medicaid claims come from private psychiatric hospitals, showcasing their importance in the mental health care landscape. Despite their critical role, the reimbursement rates in Texas are lower than those in neighboring states and fall short compared to Medicare’s payment for psychiatric inpatient care.

State Mental Health Spending and the Role of Private Hospitals

While Texas has been criticized for its historically low mental health care funding, recent data from the Meadows Mental Health Policy indicates a significant increase in behavioral health spending by the state. From $6.9 billion in 2015, state expenditures on behavioral health have risen to $11.6 billion in 2023, showcasing a substantial investment in mental health care services. This includes funding for new local mental health facilities and the expansion of the state psychiatric hospital system to accommodate more patients in need of specialized care.

The state’s multi-billion dollar makeover of its psychiatric hospital system aims to add at least 700 new inpatient beds, with a focus on addressing the needs of seriously mentally ill individuals who are currently confined in jails. The expansion project includes the construction of both forensic and general public beds to cater to a diverse range of patients. While the state’s efforts to increase capacity are commendable, private psychiatric hospitals continue to play a crucial role in providing accessible and specialized care to individuals in crisis.

Challenges Faced by Private Psychiatric Hospitals

Private psychiatric hospitals operate in a challenging environment, with many struggling to stay afloat due to financial constraints and regulatory limitations. The closure of facilities like Nix Medical Center in San Antonio and the subsequent sale of its properties highlight the fragility of the industry. Despite efforts by some companies to reopen or repurpose these facilities for mental health services, the overall landscape remains uncertain for private psychiatric hospitals in Texas.

The industry as a whole faces financial instability, with more than half of the nation’s inpatient psychiatric facilities operating at a deficit. The exclusion of psychiatric hospitals from certain federal funding streams further complicates their financial viability, making it difficult for them to compete with general hospitals that have access to additional resources. While a rate increase for Medicaid reimbursement would provide some relief, TABHS members are advocating for broader access to federal funding to ensure the sustainability of private psychiatric hospitals in Texas.

Moving Forward: Addressing the Challenges

The concerns raised by private psychiatric hospitals highlight the need for comprehensive reforms to support the mental health care system in Texas. By addressing the Medicaid rate for inpatient psychiatric care and exploring avenues for federal funding access, policymakers can help stabilize the industry and ensure continued access to critical mental health services. Collaborative efforts between state agencies, providers, and advocacy groups are essential to drive meaningful change and improve the quality of care for individuals with mental illnesses.

In Conclusion

Private psychiatric hospitals in Texas face numerous challenges despite the increased state mental health spending and expansion of the state psychiatric hospital system. The stagnant Medicaid rates for inpatient psychiatric care have placed a financial strain on these facilities, leading to closures and limited access to specialized mental health services. Addressing the concerns of private psychiatric hospitals is crucial to ensuring the sustainability of the industry and improving outcomes for individuals in need of mental health care. By prioritizing reforms and investment in mental health services, Texas can create a more inclusive and effective mental health care system for all its residents.