The first appointments for the interviews are already in the mailboxes, and now the “survey officers” are gradually on their way, equipped with an official census ID card. For the first time since 2011, people, buildings and apartments will be counted again in this country – until August 7th.

More than 10 million randomly selected people in Germany are asked about their name, gender, marital status and nationality, among other things. According to the authority, around three quarters of the people are also asked questions from an extended questionnaire. It’s about a school leaving certificate or a job.

In addition, the approximately 300,000 residents of dormitories and communal accommodation are also recorded via the respective facility management.

In addition, all of the approximately 23 million owners or administrations of housing provide information about their apartments and residential buildings. For the first time in the 2022 census, the net cold rent, duration and reason for a vacancy as well as the energy source of the heating are also queried. “In this way, we are addressing current data requirements and providing an important data basis for future planning,” explained Stefan Dittrich, the authority’s technical project manager.


The census takes place every ten years, this would have been the case in rotation in 2021 – but the date was postponed due to the corona pandemic.

According to the Federal Office, only some of the questions should be clarified in short personal interviews. Most could be answered online. The information will be used anonymously.

But the questions must be answered. Anyone who repeatedly refuses risks a fine. The Bavarian data protection officer considers the surveys harmless. Bavaria’s Interior Minister Joachim Herrmann (CSU) also emphasized that the data would not be passed on to other authorities or third parties. (dpa)