
Space away from Russian monopoly

After nine years of hiatus in manned launches US back into space, acquiring the ability to send a man into orbit. Although scheduled for may 27 launch of the spacecraft Crew Dragon 2 and...

For the first time the magnetic superconductor

A team of researchers from three countries synthesized a material that exhibits superconducting properties and is capable of creating a magnetic field. It was possible due to the symmetry violation of time reversal. Article...

Scientists have swum to Antarctica on your ship

Three Australian medic published in the journal Thorax article, describing them witnessed the outbreak COVID-19 aboard an expeditionary cruise ship, heading from Argentina and Antarctica.The ship had to proceed to the Antarctic Peninsula on...

New resource: what the Americans are looking at the moon

The US authorities are aware of the limited energy resources on Earth and for this reason I want to find a new source of minerals on the moon. This view was expressed by a...

Disclosed the price of Xiaomi Mi 10 in Russia

Xiaomi company presented in Russia, the current flagship of the Mi 10. Record online presentations are available on the official Xiaomi's channel on YouTube.At the presentation the company revealed the cost of the smartphone...

Refute the popular myth about mass extinction

Scientists at the University of Rhode island in the United States disproved the popular myth that the reason for the mass extinction 215 million years ago in the Triassic period was an asteroid or...

In Italy found a Roman mosaic of the third century

In Italy, the employees of the Main Department of archeology, fine art and landscape of the city of Verona has unearthed a splendid mosaic of a Roman Villa, which last century was hidden under...

Disclosed details iPhone 13

Scheduled for 2021 iPhone will come with a camera four lens and lidar. On it informs edition Bloomberg, citing an insider Fudge.In his opinion, the iPhone camera 13 will consist of four sensors inscribed...

Russian scientists have missed the wild reindeer

In the Nenets Autonomous district of wild reindeer counted from the air and concerned about their small numbers. About it "" reported in the world wildlife Fund (WWF).The counts say that the number Timan...

Russian uchenyy missed the wild reindeer

In the Nenets Autonomous district of wild reindeer counted from the air and concerned about their small numbers. About it "" reported in the world wildlife Fund (WWF).The counts say that the number Timan...

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Fatal Early Morning Shooting Shakes Alamo Heights Community

The Alamo Heights neighborhood in Fort Worth, Texas, was rocked by a tragic shooting incident that left two people dead and another injured. The...

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