
Industry of the future. Will do it without a man?

Drivers of change in the current industrial revolution, according to polls of technology leaders, steel processing and analysis of big data (big data), computer modeling of industrial designs on the basis of high-speed computing,...

Contact students and employers. The TSU summed up the case championship

On 2 June at the Tyumen state University summed up the results of all-Russian competition of students and graduates. Case competition CaseCup UTMN aimed at solving real industry problems for Russian and international companies.The...

Clarified the link between warming and parasites

Researchers from the University of Washington based on the analysis of data for 40 years, showed how increasing the number of parasites with climate change. Their work, scientists published in the journal Trends in...

Recorded a powerful flash in the Sun

American scientists have drawn attention to the occurrence of solar flares. This phenomenon may indicate the beginning of a new life cycle of a star, according to the NASA website.The appearance of new spots...

The proposed new method of analysis of tissues and organs

Researchers from three universities of Vienna have developed a new method for the analysis of biological tissues, which combines the cleaning with the removal of various types of pigments, as they are typical for...

Apple will pay for the slowing iPhone

The administrative court in Lazio (Italy) upheld the request of the Antimonopoly bodies for the Apple pay 10 million euros to local consumers. About it reports the edition iMore, citing the recent online documents.The...

Where does the intelligence

but Why are some people smarter than others? Since time immemorial, scientists are trying to figure out what to do to the head is was well thought. Citing a number of scientific studies, Spektrum...

To sign up for a test for antibodies to COVID-19 is now possible through...

In a mobile application "public Services of Moscow" and "My Moscow" has appeared an opportunity to enroll in ELISA testing for the presence of antibodies to COVID-19, which is held in the capital from...

Twitter and Facebook hasn’t found any violations in the recording of the trump of...

The administration of Twitter and social network Facebook have not revealed violations in the record with a quote by US President Donald trump that he can take over the situation in Minneapolis.The white house...

That means the launch of the Mask of Russia

The launch of manned spacecraft Crew Dragon company SpaceX, founded by entrepreneur Elon Musk, says that Russia has a serious competitor. However, this rivalry will go on the Russian Federation to use, as it...

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