
Presents a forecast of the second wave of coronavirus in Russia

The second wave of the coronavirus can be avoided if in the coming months the country will begin a mass vaccination of citizens. To such conclusion the respondents of the "parliamentary newspaper" experts."but it...

At the Large hadron Collider found the new particle

CERN first discovered an exotic particle consisting of four charmed quarks. About the discovery reported in the article published in the repository of preprints team of scientists used the new method to find...

Disclosed the mystery of the appearance of anomalous particles from space

Astronomers at the University of Pennsylvania in the USA revealed the mystery of the origin of the anomalous high-energy neutrinos recorded by IceCube Observatory in the ice of Antarctica. Scientists have developed a model...

Recorded unexplained disappearance of giant stars

An international team of astronomers recorded the unexplained disappearance of giant stars in the galaxy located 75 million light years from Earth. According to scientists, the sun might shrink into a black hole without...

Discovered the first planet with “insides out”

The large rocky exoplanet that is superior to the mass of the Earth almost 40 times, discovered by astronomers in the constellation of the Furnace. As specified scientists found the planet is an open...

Scientists have found the center of gravity of the Solar system

American astrophysicists have determined the exact location of the center of gravity of the Solar system, which tied all measurements of gravitational waves which scientists record the existence of black holes. The study is...

Russian cosmonaut voted in orbit

Russian cosmonaut Anatoly Ivanishin voted on the Internet for amendments to the Constitution aboard the International space station, reported the press service of Roscosmos."While aboard the ISS, he took part in electronic voting on...

iPhone 12 got on video

Four smartphone series iPhone 12 got on video. Information about future devices shared YouTube-blogger under the name iupdate.The blogger said that he got a realistic mock-UPS of new flagships of Apple, which can evaluate...

Deterioration of vision was stopped by a red light

English scientists conducted the first experiment involving human subjects, which showed that age-related decline in vision can be slowed down, the daily short-term exposure to long-wave radiation.The photoreceptors of the retina consist of cones...

The launch new mission to Mars postponed

Rover Perseverance and Ingenuity of the Martian helicopter almost ready to fly to the Red planet. However, new technical problems still hold the spacecraft on the Ground. NASA announced a new launch date of...

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