
Anomaly with COVID-19: get sick more and die less

While the world puts the record of incidence, the increase of deaths remains stable and even decreases slightly. The global incidence of coronavirus, according to who statistics, is growing steadily for two months —...

On you can now set reminders on the transfer readings electrostatistics

Users of the portal are available to new notifications. Now Muscovites can set reminders for the beginning of the period transfer of readings of electricity meters and billing for electricity.To configure notifications, you...

Russian hackers blamed in attacks on business

Researchers at cybersecurity has recorded the activity of hacker group Cosmic Lynx, which presumably includes the Russians. It is reported that cyber criminals are using advanced BEC-attacks on big business Fortune 500. How to...

YouTube recorded a sharp rise in dislikes allowed

Experts from media companies Yoola conducted a survey of content and audiences of YouTube, the results of which are announced during an online meet up at Zoom. The results "" said the company.The company...

Fraudsters came up with a new scheme for the sale of smartphones

Attackers have found a new way of fraud in the sale of smartphones — they take the devices on lease and resell it, but after some time the device is blocked due to lack...

“We could not give the Mask to pick up the launch services market”

Russia could retain its previous market share of launches of heavy rockets and not give it to Elon musk, if in 2014, has reduced the cost of commercial launches "Proton-M", said in an interview...

“Angara” compared with the rocket Elon musk

The Russian carrier rocket heavy class "Angara-A5" second only to the rocket, Elon musk, Falcon 9, but excels by its technical characteristics, all the other carriers in the world, said in an interview with...

Named the most easy to hack passwords

When conducting internal pentelow, i.e. penetration tests in enterprise network to pick up the user's credentials succeeded in 96% of cases, the main disadvantages of protection was too simple passwords for users, said the...

81 problem NASA found in the vehicle Cockpit

NASA has identified more than 80 problems requiring revision in the created by Boeing piloted spaceship Cockpit, the date of his re test flight is still not defined, reported by NASA on Tuesday."We conducted...

Found features for the selection of dogs by the ancient people

Russian and canadian researchers analyzed the body mass and bite force 119 the ancient dogs from Siberia and the Far East. Compared to wolves showed how these animals were changing in the process of...

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Police report: McKinney K9 and suspect killed in shooting

McKinney Police K9 and Suspect Fatally Shot in Tragic IncidentTragedy struck in McKinney, Texas, as a McKinney Police K9 and a shooting suspect lost...

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