
Oxford dictionary updated due to coronavirus

Oxford dictionary updated due to coronavirus

Vocabulary Oxford dictionary revised to include neologisms formed on the background of the outbreak of coronavirus infection in the world.In the largest dictionary of the English language emerged the concept of "social distance", "self-isolation"...
Devised a method to improve solar plant

Devised a method to improve solar plant

Scientists from St. Petersburg Polytechnic University Peter the Great (Spbpu) has developed a technology that improves the efficiency of solar plants. For this, the researchers proposed a new approach to solving problems of uneven...
As carbon dioxide can change the marine ecosystem

As carbon dioxide can change the marine ecosystem

An international team of marine biologists has analyzed the community of animals that live near natural sources of carbon dioxide and figured out how increasing the concentration of this compound can affect the Maritime...
Disappeared exoplanet turned out to be a cloud of dust

Disappeared exoplanet turned out to be a cloud of dust

Astronomers from the University of Arizona found that the telescope "Hubble" 12 years watched the cloud of dust that nearly all that time was considered an exoplanet.Planet Dagon, also known as Fomalhaut b, was...
SpaceX is planning another launch of Starlink in the environment

SpaceX is planning another launch of Starlink in the environment

The company SpaceX announced that it plans the next launch of the Falcon 9 rocket with the satellites in the Starlink environment."Given the more favorable weather for launch and landing, we now look forward...

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