Dispelled the popular myth about Russian mate
The appearance of the Mat in the Russian language due to the invasion of Mongol-Tatar yoke is a myth. The perpetrators of the emergence and popularization of banned words in Rus and later in...
Meteor shower Delta Aquarids will peak
Meteor shower, the Southern Delta Aquarids will peak on July 28, a few days on the sky can be observed about 16 meteors per hour, but to see them you must be the most...
Google will leave their employees on “distance” for another year
The manual and Google will leave their employees to work remotely until July 2021, according to the newspaper The Wall Street Journal, citing a source in the company."Google will keep their employees at home,...
In the atmosphere of Mars has found possible traces of methane
Russian spectrometric system WITHIN aboard the Mars reconnaissance Orbiter TGO project "Eczemas" registered absorption lines of carbon dioxide and ozone, which was not observed previously, neither on Earth nor in space. The results in...
Wheat in space offered to feed wheat
Russian researchers have proposed to use a fully oxidised wheat straw to replenish mineral elements in the substrate poovarodom life support systems in space. The authors found that this approach allows us to provide...
The Australian government has filed a lawsuit against Google
Australian Commission on competition and consumer protection (ACCC) filed a Federal court lawsuit against Google, throwing the Corporation in the introduction of users to obtain their personal data and improve earnings on targeted advertising.According...
The race for a vaccine: the US has surpassed Russia
A vaccine against coronavirus American company Moderna is one of the most famous promising drugs in this area. Its development began in January of this year, the first phase of clinical trials, the company...
Another country wanted the vaccine of the Russian Federation from COVID-19
The authorities of the Brazilian state paraná in the South of the country became interested in the Russian vaccine against coronavirus. TASS reported on Sunday the Russian Ambassador in Brazil Sergei Akopov."on Friday, the...
The malaria parasite has found a “molecular lock pick”
Protozoan parasites-Plasmodium that are the causative agents of malaria, have a complex life cycle that occur in the body of the mosquito Anopheles and humans. Accordingly, they should be able to penetrate into different...
How to make robots are unable to intervene in our lives
a UNESCO declared the global online consultation on the ethical aspects of the use of artificial intelligence. Conceived it to anyone in the world could take part in the international expert group on artificial...