The success of the Danish eagles: Air under the wings
The huge sea eagles have again got air under the wings at home. In about 100 years they were giant birds extinct in Denmark, but now they have again been given...
Antwerp, explains the Times, for the three months
Antwerp has the option to buy Koji Times (23) is lifted. The Japan midfielder has signed a contract until 2023. the Times came out last summer on a rental basis from...
New virustest can reveal previously infected persons
Statens Serum Institut is on the stairs with a blodprøvetest, which can remove the uncertainty about the possible coronasmitte. the Statens Serum Institut (SSI) is close to being able to disseminate...
For these athletes Comeback dreams be more realistic
LEROY SANÉ and NIKLAS SÜLE: A forecast of whether the two major players in time for the European football championship this summer fit, also dropped by national coach Joachim Löw...
Landsholdsstjerne offend again: Calls on his children to hatred
The irish midfielder James McClean has once again ended up in violation headwind. He thought for sure that he was joking, but the perception among the recipients is quite different. ...