Сергей Собянин осмотрел ход строительства кластера «Ломоносов» инновационного центра МГУ
Готовность кластера «Ломоносов» инновационного научно-технологического центра (ИНТЦ) МГУ «Воробьевы горы» составляет 32 процента. Ход строительства осмотрели Мэр Москвы Сергей Собянин и ректор Московского государственного университета имени М.В. Ломоносова Виктор Садовничий.Он поблагодарил Виктора Садовничего за...
The next decade in Russia is planned to be devoted to the development of...
The next decade in Russia is planned to be devoted to the development of science and its popularization among young people. This was stated by Russian President Vladimir Putin at a joint meeting of...
High-resolution mapping method for G4 DNA structures developed
Simon Elsasser's group developed a better method to map these structures in the genome while investigating the G quadruplex DNA structure (G4). G4 CUT&Tag discovered many G4s in both the mouse and human genomes that...
Lucy in the sky: Spacecraft will record 8 asteroids
Asteroid enthusiasts, NASA is launching a series spacecraft to explore and smash some of the most attractive space rocks in the solar system.The robot trailblazer Lucy will be the first to go, taking a 12-year cruise...
Report claims that slow virus lockdown in the UK cost thousands of lives
The British government was too slow to implement a lockdown during the initial stages of the COVID-19 pandemic. This missed a chance to control the disease and led to thousands of deaths. Legislators concluded...
Nobel Prize for Research on Wages and Jobs won by 3 US-based economists
The Nobel Prize in Economics Monday was won by a U.S.-based economist for his pioneering research on labor force. It showed that an increase in the minimum wages doesn't prevent hiring, and that immigrants...
French report: 330,000 victims of church sexual abuse
A major French report has revealed Tuesday that 330,000 children suffered sex abuse in France's Catholic Church during the past 70 years. This is France's first major reckoning of this devastating phenomenon.Jean-Marc Sauve was...
Referendum in Switzerland approves same-sex marriages by large margins
As the final results of a nationwide referendum revealed Sunday, cheers rang out and hugs were exchanged across Switzerland, rainbow-colored flags flew overhead as the Swiss voted in unanimity to allow gay couples to...
Leaders reunite at UN to discuss climate and COVID
Last year, there were no leaders. It will be quite different this year, sort of.Leaders from over 100 countries are expected to travel to New York this week as the UN's annual high-level meeting --...
The lack of a new PlayStation 5 was disputed
Reducing the size of the PlayStation 5 radiator of the new revision does not actually affect its performance. This is reported by the Eurogamer publication.Digital Foundry specialists analyzed the new revision of the PlayStation...